Thursday, July 23, 2015

Warm Pits, Cold Heart

Warm Pits, Cold Heart

The evening before had been rough.  A hot airplane, 3 hour delay, 186 fussy passengers.  One lady actually said, “You flight attendants are the most inattentive and unhelpful people I have ever met!” OH NO SHE DIDN’T *fingersnap* not this particular lady… I’m sorry.  Was I unhelpful when I put your 3 year old on the toilet as you asked…or was I inattentive when I brought your family the  the 5 glasses of water and a cup of ice during our delay?  UGHH!   I would like to have punched her but then I wouldn’t have a job. Entitled people are a real “hot” button for me and I was already overheated! #servantlife  #norespect  

Anyway, the next morning, after 6 hours of sleep (I need 8-10 hours to be perky, people), I walked on to the airplane and the A/C was still malfunctioning. (#boobsweat) GROWL! Don’t sweat the small stuff “they” say but it’s hard not to sweat in a 100 degree metal tube. I felt like I had a hangover.  No, I hadn’t snuck any liquor mini’s back to my hotel room to drink the pain away like I wanted to.  I was in recovery mode from a yucky day still feeling the after effects.  Was it going to be another bad day?  I looked longingly at the minis (JK I don't even drink but it's fun to talk about) When things in life aren’t going “my way” I have to purposely calm my little butt down and ask God to help me think “His way.”  I put my worship music on and dramatically asked God to “Lord, just give me the strength.” 

Two flight attendants came back to the galley “We’re on the jumpseat!” They were happy to get on the airplane.  I always appreciate when I sit on the jumpseat and the flight attendants are nice to me but it gets pretty tight.   Five people in an airplane galley is a clown car and I was already hot and annoyed.  I know so far this has been a little bit of a bi*@#-fest but I do have a point (and also I get to vent so win-win)  

We began our service and I did my best to serve everyone with a smile (probably looked more like a grimace)  It may have been hot on the airplane but my heart was feeling cold and detached.  I sat down with a hmph!  I tried to “encourage myself in the Lord” with these small victories ;) I was awake now, I didn’t punch anyone, and (I sniffed) my deodorant seemed to be holding up.  

I noticed one of the young flight attendant’s (jumpseater) was reading a book that I recognized about faith.  We started chatting and talking about loving Jesus, her fairly recent encounter with the God of the universe.  Our talk really brightened my day. Yay! Every time I looked at Sarah (not her real name), my eyes welled up with tears.  I love when that happens. He lets me feel what He feels for that person and He was in LOVE with Sarah.  I had this overwhelming sense of His pride as she talked about the things she had walked away from because it wouldn’t bring her closer to God.  Specifically she let go of any guys where she would be “missionary dating” (trying to lead them to Christ)  She made the following declaration and it was so powerful to me:  I told God I don’t want anything or anyone in my life that will come between me and Him.  This girl was ALL IN.  #onfirefortheLord

I asked her if there was anything I could pray for her about. She said she didn’t worry about a lot of things anymore but she worried about her family and wanted them to know God.  She felt some separation from her family because of her conversion.  They didn’t believe and they probably thought she had lost her mind.  She didn’t know the scriptures to answer the questions of unbelievers. 

I shared with her when I first became a Christian, I scoured the scriptures and I tried to learn them well.  The bibles says “…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have…”(1Pet.3:15) That scripture scared the Bejeezus out of me.  Could I out-argue a scientist?  How could I explain the indescribable God of the universe  and someone understand it?  I no longer feel that pressure at all.  God is capable of explaining Himself through the Holy Spirit, signs and wonders too.  

Sarah talked about how challenging it is to explain being “born again.”  Everyone noticed how different she was but it was hard to put into words WHY she was different.  I recently read a scripture regarding that problem:  “Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God. "What do you mean?" exclaimed Nicodemus. "How can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again?” (Jn3:4-5) Kind of confusing to explain the miracle of being given a new heart.

Trying to convince someone through reasoning with facts or even scriptures when they don’t believe or care what the bible says is like trying to use your fist and punch through a brick wall (like I wanted to do to that snarky ladies teeth;)   We can’t reason with someone’s mind if they already have it made up.  No, the only way to “get to them” is to ask the Holy Spirit to touch their heart…His love WILL crumble all their walls…If they will let me simply pray for them then HE WILL reveal Himself to them through THEIR agreement of prayer...or if I can give them a sneak hug (they have to agree to it; See the following blog:  I don’t have to have all the answers. It really takes the pressure off and it unleashes the love of God in their life.  I don’t get to take credit because it isn’t through lofty words or persuasive speeches but through the power of the Holy Spirit. (1Cor.2:1-5)

Sarah probably thinks that God sent me to her but she doesn’t know that God sent her to me on a day where I was really struggling and didn’t have a smidgeon of love within me for the people around me.  I felt really shut down inside.  He sent help through Sarah to fan the flame in my heart.   She  encouraged me with her faith and new love and devotion to Him.  God reminded me through my new friend that a hard day does go away.  His mercies are new every day.   Thank you, God, and thank you, “Sarah”

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