Monday, July 6, 2015

Sneak Hugs

My youngest son Tanner would go around and  attack his brother with a hug in embarrassing places.  He would exclaim "SNEAK HUG!"  while doing it.  At panera and this guy has sneezed at least 20 times. I'm like a parrot over here. 'Bless you....bless you...bless you." Is the initial bless you enough? ‪#‎thisguymustneedsomeblessings‬‪#‎dontweall‬  I've noticed that people will sneeze around me when God wants to "sneak bless" them :)

Seriously though... I've seen a lot of fruit when someone simply does not believe in God, does not want prayer, I ask them if I can give them a hug...A transfer happens.  When they open their arms, they are opening their heart.  Sneak hugs are like magic.  Give someone a sneak hug today!

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