Monday, July 6, 2015

Hey, Stop Being Gay

A fellow flight attendant (we’ll call him Derek) was scrolling through his news feed. 
"Big day for news,” Derek says.
"Really? What's up?"
"Four different terrorist attacks”
“Crap. That’s terrible.”
“… and the Supreme Court is supposed to rule on equality for marriage."
"How do you feel about that?"
"Well, it's pretty big news." 
Derek had smoothly avoided my question. 
He could probably tell within about 5 minutes that I loved Jesus...the angel pin usually gives it away and I'm always giving glory to God when things go well and asking Him for help on the plane when they don’t. When I’m setting up my galley, I like to quietly play worship music, humming away, to fill the airplane with His presence and capture the atmosphere with His peace and love. Derek and I talked while I worked. I surmised based on our discussion that Derek was interested in and had relationships with men.
Me asking Derek how he felt about the SCOTUS decision was probably led by the Holy Spirit then since I normally allow people to share without pressing them. I really value other people’s views, opinions and honor them by listening so I asked again, ”What would you like to see happen from the Supreme Court?" 
"Oh, I don't know." He changed the subject AGAIN and began talking about politics, national news, presidential candidates.
I said, "Have you ever thought about going into politics?"
He responded, "I don't think I could ever do that."
“Why? It sounds like you are very interested in it.”
“I just couldn’t… Because I know what I think in my head but it's really hard to put it into words. I don’t want to argue with anyone.”
Ahhh so that was why he wouldn't answer my question directly. He thought I would argue with him. 
I have a lot of time to myself when I travel so that night in my hotel room, I prayed for Derek along the following lines: for God to help Derek communicate what was in his heart… to feel the Father’s love and acceptance… that if God meant for him to be in politics then God would bring it to pass. I immediately saw a picture of Derek in my mind. He was crying with his arms up in protection and he was pleading, "Please, please don't be mean to me." I felt a rush of love for Derek and God's tenderness. I felt like God said, “I would never be mean to Derek.”
Funny thing, when I don't deliver God's messages I find that my flights get delayed...isn't God sweet for giving me extra time to deliver His messages wink emoticon ha! So I've learned to ask God if it's a message that needs to be delivered, I will see a green light for yes or red light for no (that means commit to prayer only). The lights were all green and I wanted to get home on time so before our first flight that day I promptly said, “Derek, as you know I'm a praying momma so I said a little prayer for you last night. God said the sweetest thing. Do you want to hear what I felt like I heard from God for you?”
“Um sure,” he said hesitantly.
“I felt like God said, “I would never be mean to Derek.”
He looked down and said, “Thank you so much.”
(I didn't follow it up with -"oh and hey stop being gay" because that's not what God told me to say!)
“Isn’t God so kind to say that? He loves you so much and is a good Father to you. I was physically abused as a kid and it took a long time for me to accept that He’s not going to hurt me. I thought God was angry but He’s always been so gentle and loving to me and He is to you too.”
Derek seemed to be released to be himself from that exchange and he was way more chatty. Randomly throughout the day, Derek told me three different stories where passengers had verbally assaulted him and one had been met by the police at the airport. It was like in telling his stories, Derek was being unburdened as well as healed of his worst fear: people being mean to him. Gods message of loving kindness disarmed the enemy. The fear that kept Derek’s words locked up in his head for fear of punishment was gone and he was letting go of the hurts and pains inflicted by others. 
I pray that God opens his heart to experience the fullness of his heavenly Father’s love that he loosens Derek’s tongue to be brave and say what’s in his heart without fear of other’s anger. Who knows…God maybe the next time I see Derek he will be running for office. 
Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
1 John 4:18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.

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