Monday, July 6, 2015

God Hugs

I frequent a local breakfast place and there's a teenager there who is really helpful, has a GREAT attitude and always has a smile on his face. I wondered if he loved Jesus and that's where his sunny disposition came from? So I said "thank you for always being so kind. Do you happen to love Jesus?"
He kind of sucked his breath in and made a face like oh no you're one of those so I said "oh- no pressure here just curious. I'm sorry I didn't mean to put you on the spot."
"Actually I don't. I'm into science. I'm not sure about some things like the Big Bang but I'm really interested in the universe."
Several thoughts ran through my head. I could say well God created the universe and He can help us understand science but I really felt like God said "stay on your mission" while I was thinking this was just plain awkward - abort abort! mission failed to encourage another believer. So what was my mission? To convert him! No- I felt it was to tell him that I noticed and appreciated how helpful and kind he was. "Only say what the Father is saying" so I said "I thought you loved Jesus because you are so full of life and joy but I really wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you because you are so kind, helpful and your employer must really appreciate you too!"
He said "thank you so much! I try not to take my bad days or moods out on others."
"Well your smile and attitude is very refreshing."

I walked off and thought well that could have gone better... I'm not sure if asking him if he loved Jesus was part of the "mission" but I reminded myself that God leads and guides me. If I make a mistake Gods glory covers me.(learned that from my mentor)

I was walking out and he came and gave me a bag of chocolate chip cookies from l because I brightened his day. I gave him a hug and I felt the power of God flow through me. It was like he was getting a hug through me from the Creator of the universe. I felt this release like my mission was complete. I gave him a card I had made with a
Prophetic word. He said "my mom will love this" Who knows what the next step of the plan is but even though it might have felt awkward, he got a God hug. ♥

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