In San Antonio at a coffee shop for the free wifi. I was trying to find a knock off of a lightning bolt necklace I had seen in a ridiculously expensive boutique on the river walk. I know a lightning bolt may sound pretentious but it was really dainty and awfully cute.- The coffee shop was crowded and I happened to score a sweet spot right next to the electrical outlet. #win
A guy comes in and kind of wanders around like a lost puppy. I ignore him. #mytable All the tables in the popular coffee shop are taken. He asks if he can sit in the chair across from me. At first, I was a little put out. Earbuds in. Dude, can’t you see I’m busy and can’t be bothered right now? Now, you might think Ernie (not his real name) was trying to flirt with me but there were no other tables and remember I OWNED the electrical outlet. From a few sentences I could tell I clearly wasn't Ernie's type. My mustache probably is not quite thick enough for his taste and I’m missing some er equipment ;) I think you’re picking up what I’m putting down. I could explain but I think I will leave it at that...
The funny part about all this was I had a ball cap with a rhinestone cross on my head right before he walked in. I randomly took it off even though I have this really funny place on the back of my head called a "cowlick" (ew I hate that word) My hair sticks up like alfalfa when I don't wash it. I was on day 3 or 4 maybe of no wash (just being honest here. Don't judge) but I took the hat off and put it in my bag (that was a Holy Spirit led move)
As he sat down, I instantly knew Ernie's spirit led him to sit in that very chair. I took my earbuds out and asked God to lead. The pleasantries were exchanged: Ernie from University of Texas at San Antonio. He was open and conversational but we were both busy on our respective computers. I had a research and a deadline ;) ha! JK but I was finding some nice knockoff necklaces.
I was having this running conversation in my head with God about Ernie. I felt like God said so many wonderful things about him - he was creative, influenced many, a linch pin that held things together. Yeah, duh, he's a teacher. I also heard that he was an integral part of Gods plan but the last thing God said to me was "tragic end" WTH. Great, God. Go ahead and drop that bomb on me.
Unfortunately, during the conversation in my head, I watched Ernie squint to read the Christian bumper sticker on the back of my computer. It's quite large and has a cross on it with a scripture. I didn’t want to put it on my computer for the same reason I don’t put a fish on my car. When I drive poorly or shake my fist at another driver, it would not be a WWJD moment but I felt led to put the scripture on because it was symbolic of God’s protection and many people have come to talk to ME because it is a beacon of hope for them. Well, it was not a beacon of hope for Ernie. As he read it, his face turned from relaxed and open to a full out grimace. He looked like I had laid a turd on the table between us. His horror was that obvious. Ernie shut down as quickly as my son does when I ask him what he's feeling inside ;) He fiddled and looked quickly around as if to say "get me out of here" she's going to try to sell me on some multilevel marketing scheme or she's probably got magic underwear, a tie and a name tag that says Elder Jennifer in her Vera Bradley backpack. Meanwhile, I hadn't even mentioned Jesus. I tried to keep my hands in the open where he could see them...I didn't have a nifty brochure with 10 Things you need to stop doing for Jesus to love you. I hadn't even mentioned Jesus in fact.
He looked relieved when he saw a table open up. He quickly grabbed his things calling “thank you” over his shoulder. I seriously don't think he could get away fast enough.
I wrapped up my important business... $395 necklace at trendy boutique? I don't think so. I found one more in my price range. I left the knock off necklace in my cart without clicking "buy now." I was pretty proud of myself for being able to just walk away #selfcontrol
I was headed to an art museum a few blocks away. I stopped outside the coffee shop and I prayed for Ernie. Ugh I hated hearing "tragic end" and leaving things undone...but that door was VERY clearly closed. Barred in fact by Ernie.
While I was praying, I caught sight of Ernie crossing the street. I wanted to go after him but I didn't feel led to. #stalker I asked God to finish the work He started. I walked the opposite direction towards the art museum a little sad about the “tragic end” thing but I asked God to send help.
When I was walking back to my hotel later I couldn't believe it- there was Ernie again. He was hard to miss in his hot pink shirt and blue jean cut off Daisy Dukes (they weren’t that short) What are the odds? I wasn’t by the coffee shop. I'm willing to look foolish when God gives me a confirmation like that! I called out hello to him as he came towards me and he said hello briskly. He was power walking. His plan was pretty clear to steer clear of the crazy Christian bumper sticker girl with the now blinged out cross on her head covering her cowlick.
I knew God had designed the first meeting as well as this one and Ernie had shown up so that said something! I said, "Hey, sometimes God has me run into someone and it's a divine appointment because he wants me to deliver a message. Do you want me to ask and see what he has to say?"
He said "Oh I think it was all just a coincidence. I was just waiting for an open table and now I'm out taking a walk."
So basically NO Ernie wasn't interested in hearing what I had to say. I think he was probably a little scared that I was going to shank him with a cross or bonk him on the head and pull a Kathy Bates on him until he accepted Jesus.
I'm not deterred easily when I feel Gods urges and if Gods angels went through this much trouble to get us here at this moment AGAIN then I was going to do my part ... So I said "Then can I give you a hug?"
He said reluctantly, "Well OK." Poor guy.
I know that encounter did not have the outcome that was the highest and best. Ha! To say the least. I looked like a crazy Christian stalker but I don't believe in coincidences. I shared this interaction with my friend, Ryane. She said Plan A was Ernie opening his heart to be touched at our shared table. Plan B was for him to receive what God had to say which Ernie politely declined. Plan C was the hug. I believe in God moments and being obedient to do what He says when He says. I know part of my mission is to find God's lost sheep- His children. I feel like those that have gone on to heaven before us are a great cloud of witnesses watching over us, praying for us, interceding for us-for their future generations. I felt specifically Ernie's grandfather had prayed for us to have this conversation...But I think Ernie's offense and fear of Christians put up a wall… that's why we have to be so careful to only say what God tells us to say! The Spirit within Ernie was willing. It delivered him to my table and it actually delivered him to meet me again on the river walk but Ernie, or maybe his fear, would not open the door to his heart: God was knocking through me. God is greater and stronger than fear but he will not override our free will. He's so gentle... but He is also persistent.
This interaction has haunted me a little. I felt the gravity of Ernie's life (tragic end) and how he will feel when he leaves it on this earth as we all will... His choice to refuse to open the door to his heart but that is FEARFUL thinking... I realize that his receiving a hug actually might have been Ernie looking through the peephole and considering unlocking the door to God. God will send someone else after me to call out gently until Ernie is ready and knows it's safe to open the door... I pray that someday Ernie will let him in. I would do everything in my power to have a relationship with my children. God will continue to knock until He can’t knock anymore. His love is unstoppable.
Luke 10:18 And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.