Friday, August 22, 2014

Protecting the Family Jewels

I was working as a flight attendant in First Class and I wasn’t feeling too hot.  It was my girl time of the month (i know TMI right off the bat) and I had a terrible headache.  Every illness seems to be exaggerated and compounded up in the air.  With shaky hands i sloshed a few drops of red wine on a “gentleman’s” tray table.  I apologized profusely and cleaned it up with my napkins.  He had dark jeans and a dark shirt so I might have missed cleaning up some of the wine.  He huffed and puffed and said “I need a wet towel” As I was going to get it for him, he dramatically threw the bathroom door open and left it open so I could see him getting his own paper towels to clean up my mess.  I felt bad.   

It’s so hurtful when you are being a servant to someone and they aren’t kind or gracious about it. He seemed to have the attitude of a grumpy old man and I know his limited patience had little to do with me. Still, it hurt because he didn’t recognize my own kindness that went into serving him even when I did not feel well.  I think a lot of mom’s could relate to that ;)  

After Sir Grumps A Lot :) left said bathroom, I went in and cried really hard.  I told God all about it as I sat on the tiny toilet. I prayed first for my heart (can’t love your neighbor if you don’t first love yourself) and then for mr. grumpy pants ;) I have no doubt that my prayers impacted and convicted the guy somehow working a way for God to speak to him.  I can honestly say I have no animosity towards him because God healed my heart right there. #notbitter #grumpycanbetransformed 

I had a lot of sympathy and felt God's love and comfort from my fellow flight attendants on the plane that day.  They first wanted to do a beat down on the guy and then they loved on me and told me, “It’s sad but you just wait a year and you will be so hardened that you won’t care…that’s how you have to be in this job.”   I want my heart to be soft as I serve others but I understood their point.  We can’t be dependent upon others approval for our happiness or sense of peace.  There are times to stand up to rude and abusive type behavior.  It’s unfortunate but the world rarely values, respects or honors servants.  Not everyone will like me or appreciate what I do for them or the fact that what I do is done in love.  

A gentle spirit rarely prevails in this world but I don’t ever want to lose it. However, don’t think I’m some sweet little angel singing sunshine and roses all day cuz I can be seriously feisty…like on the soccer field when someone tries to push me around.  Uh, no, I don’t think so.  If someone messes with my kids or any child for that matter, I will go momma bear. I’m not a push over or a victim.  My heart was hard before God touched it ten years ago and I will never go back to operating out of a hard heart.  God didn’t make us with a hard outer shell like an alligator or a leathery skin like a snake. He made us with soft skin and the ability to reach out to Him for protection and He gave us tools. If we are cut, we will bleed. I trust God to be with me always, to lead me where I need to go, to empower me with the tools I need and that He will fight my cause and He is ultimately my protector. Tools aren't for everyone...maybe you have more faith than me and don't need them, but I like my cute pink and powerful 38 Special. The tools He gives me may be as hard as nails but my heart is still as soft as a baby's butt ;)  I have the capacity to have a soft heart but He’s given me a shield to protect it and He will defend it when needed…He’s a lion like that…very protective of my heart since I’ve made the decision to soften it.  

I’ve met a lot of Christian Stepford wives and been witness to the bad fruit being out of balance causes. We continually open our hearts and give others access to our innermost selves and others use and abuse it because we've been taught to by the church.  The song by Stevie Nicks comes to mind: "Stop dragging my heart around."  God isn't setting us up to be a victim. We all need the wisdom to know what God is saying and doing…when to be soft and flow out and when to engage our impenetrable God shield to protect our soft parts.  He’s our wonder bra full of water to cushion our softies.  He’s like a guys jock strap/cup to protect the family jewels.  He’s a covering and protection for all as we let Him in. 

A lot of Christians like robots quote the verse about turning the other cheek, etc and apply it to every situation.  God has shown me that using that scripture without hearing it from Him for the specific situation promotes abuse of children and women…the weakest in society. Um, that is not God’s heart towards the weak.  In fact He said, “Hard trials and temptations are bound to come, but too bad for whoever brings them on! Better to wear a millstone necklace and take a swim in the deep blue sea than give even one of these dear little ones a hard time!” (found in Luke 11:1-2)   I turned the other cheek in this instance with the older "gentleman" so the scripture applied in that situation. I may endure suffering and slights with patience at God’s direction but I feel kind of bad for the guy after reading above scripture. #helltopaywhenyoumesswithGodskids #Godsgotmyback  

If I do "suffer" an injustice without response, it's because I CHOOSE TO and it is never in vain.  None of our suffering ever is!    This guy bruised my heart because I allowed it to be vulnerable in serving him.  There are times when I do stand up for myself and God leads me to do it and backs me up but this was not one of them.  People can spit in our face.  As we seek only to do them good, they intend to harm us but if we harden our hearts so we won’t be hurt anymore  then can love still flow out? 

Like Kenny Rogers says, “you’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away and know when to run.” ;) People who don’t treat my heart with tenderness don’t have access to it anymore until they show that they are trustworthy again.  Forgive YES Love YES but throwing my PEARLS to swine? HECK NO.  
Jesus is really good at handling grumpy old men  and protecting the family jewels;) because He only said what the Father said and He only did what He saw the Father doing.  Jesus could be both kind and gentle but but He knew when to open a can of woop a$$ ;)  He endured a lot of unjust treatment while he walked this earth. Jesus could be a real smart mouth when He confronted the religious people.  He also got so ticked off that He took the time to KNIT TOGETHER a rope/BELT and went after the guys in the temple turning their tables over.  Yet, He let the same people lead Him up a hill with a cross on his back and he didn’t say a word to them while they drove nails in his hands and feet because He knew a greater good was coming.  

Protecting the family jewels found inside our heart requires great wisdom!  When to pull back, when to move forward, when to guard our heart and when to show and share it can only be led by the One who created it. Praying that we can both reflect our Father in Heaven who is THE LION and our Savior who came to Earth as the Lamb and that we don’t harden our hearts to Him. He helps us on the journey by giving us access to His wisdom in this area.  The world will be a more beautiful place if we are able to open our hearts like a rare and fragrant flower to be seen on display when He brings His sun and water but have the wisdom to ask for Him to hide us in His strong tower when it’s unsafe.     #heartwisdom #love #protection

1 comment:

  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️��������������������������������so much love.
