Thursday, August 14, 2014

Paris Edition: From Business Class to the Back of the Bus

My daughter and I were flying back from Paris as “non-revs.”  It’s a perk of working in the airline biz. Non-reving costs $ instead of $$$$$ ;)  The problem with  non-reving is you always fly standby.  ALWAYS.  Flights are overbooked in the summer so the odds of getting a seat on the plane as a standby during this season are about as likely as snow flurries on a Texas July day or buying a winning lottery ticket…I’m teasing…it’s not that low ;) but it still can be very stressful.  I started non-reving in May and I’ve been flying high at 100% success rate though.  I do my research and will not book flights that don’t have at least 20 seats left available but it’s never a ‘fo sho thing with weather and mechanical problems throwing a ‘monkey wrench’ into the best made flight plans. 

Monica and I showed up early for our flight home from Paris to find that an earlier flight that day had been cancelled which left our flight with more than 50 people on the standby list.  We were number 48 and 49. Dang, I had to get back for work! The gate agent did not make her way down to our names on the list for that flight :(  There’s not a bazillion flights out of France to the US.  In fact, there were only 2 flights left going out that entire day and they weren’t going anywhere near Dallas. NO BUENO sleeping in an airport even if it was in Paris #firstworldproblems #feelsorryforme? #didntthinkso  

We quickly listed on the next flight to Boston, crossing our fingers, saying Hail Mary’s but seriously praying to our Father who can make a way where there seems to be none.  While in line, I overheard a mother and daughter’s stressed conversation.  They were bickering and snipping at each other about various things.  They were non-revs too but  had bought full fare tickets from Rome because they were stuck on standby there for days.  They were both desperate to get home and now the flight cancellation had pushed them to the back of the line of the cancelled flight passengers.  It was doubtful that they would make it on.. I silently commiserated with their plight.  “I feel ya,” I thought and said another prayer for God to get us on. 

After waiting impatiently and after everyone with real tickets had boarded, we finally heard the music to our ears, as the gate agent called us and handed us our tickets.  Seats in Business Class no less, so lay down beds, amenity kits, Beats headphones like LeBron (well, the knockoff Bose;), personal entertainment systems, all the fun pampering and gourmet food with that nice First Class type touch.   SCORE!  WOOP WOOP!  YEAH GOD!  That’s what I’m talking ‘bout!  Flying in style!

I was ‘jetting’ for the plane when I saw the mother and daughter from earlier.  They were having a conversation with the gate agent and looked really distressed.  
The mom said, “What do you mean you only have one ticket?  My daughter is only 15 years old so I can’t leave her or let her go without me.  Please, please, I’m begging you. I will buy a ticket.  I don’t care what it costs.”
The daughter added, “Isn’t there something you can do?”
The gate agent said in her french accent, “I’m sorry, mademoiselle, but there is nothing.  Would you like to take the one ticket? It is the last seat.”

As a flight attendant, I didn’t have to but I could offer to take the 7+ hour flight sitting on an uncomfortable extra jumpseat. Said seat had no nice fluffy cushion, no recline button and no hot towels, no warm nuts and NO BOSE headphones!  There would be no sleep for me on a jumpseat. DANGIT!  I could have walked on and said, “See ya.  Wouldn’t want to be ya.  Stinks to be you right now, sucka, but, check it out, I’ve got my Business Class ticket.”  My heart sunk when I thought of giving up my penthouse for a tiny doghouse…going from Business Class literally to the back of the bus.  I prayed and just knew what my spirit wanted me to do.  I  wish I could say it was an easy decision but it was not, my friend, and I am not tooting my own horn here like oh hey look how great Jennifer is… She’s so selfless. No, not at all, before I handed my ticket to the ticket agent, I closed my eyes and said the same potty word three distinct and separate times out loud.  (starts with an S and ends with a T.  I’ll let you figure it out).   

God wasn’t telling me what to do in this situation.  Not manipulating me but ASKING me if I was WANTED to give up my place for these two to have a place at all. I can’t say that I was happy about it but I felt that God would be pleased if I did.  I love to make my Father in Heaven smile and laugh (which I think He laughs at me often cuz i’m crazy like that;)  There would be no punishment if I said no.  He wouldn’t be disappointed in me.  It was MY choice.  With mixed emotions, I handed the gate agent my business class ticket and said I could take the jumpseat if it would help them both make the flight.  The mother wanted to know why I would do it? Could she pay me?  How could she pay me back?  I answered, “God did this for you.  He loves you and is going to take care of you.  Please just tell Him thank you because you need to know He’s the reason why I did it.” The mom and daughter both began crying and hugging me.  It’s so much fun being a part of what God is doing in other’s lives but sometimes it usually costs us personally.

Would this mom have done the switch-a-roo for me if she was able?  No, she confessed when she came back to the back of the plane from her nice cozy seat to say thanks again but that wasn’t the point.  I didn’t do it for her.  I did it because He asked me to and my spirit knew that it would bring me joy…eventually ;) -oh, and it’s already been done for me.  #grateful  

In my life, I felt stuck in the seats sold on the airplane that people avoid-the ones near the back where you are the last to get off or the seats by the engine or maybe the seats with no view that are always stinky because they are too close to the bathrooms;)… After three divorces, two abortions and a heart that was as hard as a rock things still looked good on the surface:  great job providing for my kids, respected at work, nice home…the things that are important to the world. In my heart of hearts though, underneath all of my hardness, I felt alone and left out.  No ticket for me.  Maybe the mom and daughter felt  a little taste of that when they found out they would be stuck... left behind and no one could or would help them but He did help me and it surprised me when He did.  HE traded places with me.  He gave me a new name and a new heart…a new destination in life.  I am forever grateful and I can do that for others by having a soft heart to be willing to give and suffer like Him.  Dang, I love Him for that.   He gave everything o have my heart.
I wish I could say that there was a grace on my jumpseat experience.  It wasn't the worst thing in the world, of course, but it was extremely uncomfortable. Many people have planted seeds like this in my life and I was woo-ed by His love to have a relationship with Him.  This effort to show His love to this mother and daughter could show them that He loves them or creates an open door in their heart for Him to sit with them and talk…maybe to change the direction of their life forever so they are free, have a better relationship with each other, have peace? or maybe they took a chance and prayed asking God for help and He sent me?  I don’t know what God was doing but our sacrifices for Him are NEVER EVER in vain. It may feel like we are losing but our actions have ripple effects of movement in people’s lives towards His love.  When people are in a pickle,  preaching their ear off or even throwing money at them or telling them how terrible they are, will not show His love but we CAN choose take the opportunities in our lives to show love and surprise someone with His kindness through us.   

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