What do you get the person who has everything? How about a stranger…what do you get them? A whole lot of nothing, right? but what if God is sending you on a stranger danger mission just like He did His disciples.
“…the Lord… sent them two by two…He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few…Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. (Lk 10:1-3)
My daughter and I had plans for a Saturday morning brunch date last weekend. We both thought God might be sending us on one of His special missions…to some strangers who needed to be encouraged. I thought about how we might be able to plant seeds of His love in their hearts. The night before our little date, I hammered some metal necklaces with words that said different things like “Brave” and “Joy” I also brought a pen and a few cards to write on to deliver messages of His love.
We prayed about where to go. Monica’s boyfriend asked if we were going to Old West. No, why? Ugggg…Not exactly on my Christmas diet plan (ha!) and that place is always so crowded on the weekends but we asked the Holy Spirit and both of us felt led to go there. Maybe God would put us right at the front of the line since we were on HIS special mission. UMMM no that didn’t happen. We waited for 30 minutes for our table (grrrrrrr i DO NOT like waiting for my food) but I prayed for manna from heaven to sustain me during the wait. JK I was pretty grouchy and whined a little bit. Okay, I whined a lot.
We were seated and immediately Monica said she felt like we needed to write a card for the young 20 something couple at the table next to us. Monica felt like God said they were a “power couple” They were like peanut butter and jelly, ice and tea :) both very different but they were made for each other. They knew they were on the same team and worked well together :) We wrote it all down. I also felt like God said the young lady would have two kids and not to listen to any bad reports because it would all be fine! but I prayed and God said don’t write that so I kept mum on the subject of her being a mom ;) Then, I nominated Monica ;) to give the card to them so she boldly did.
I watched on and asked God why He would tell me about her two babies but not allow me to deliver such a message. I prayed for her and the two little ones that would one day be hers and felt peace. The thing about me that I don’t get is my ability to pray for babies protection and they live and for pregnant mommas to deliver happy, healthy babies. I am THE LAST PERSON IN THIS WORLD WHO SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THAT. After two abortions, why would God choose me to flow this most precious gift through? Shouldn’t it be some perfect mother or woman who values life so greatly that she would never think to do such a thing? But, hey, I’m not going to question it. I’m just going to do it. It’s called GRACE. He says, “My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness.” (1Cor 12:9-10) Wherever the enemy hits us hardest is where we carry His power and His grace.
So I wasn’t surprised when our waitress just so happened to be a girl that I prayed for her when she was pregnant at a different restaurant 5 years earlier :) HA! So a necklace went to her… along with a big Christmas tip from Jesus :)
Then the young couple we had given the card to came over as they were leaving. They happened to go to our church :) They explained how God brought them to Old West and it was clear to them now why-they had too much to do that day, his mom had made breakfast and he never passes up a meal but they both still wanted to go to Old West and it didn't make sense but NOW IT DID!
During this conversation, God said I could FINALLY tell her about the two kids He had in the works for her. If she was ever afraid, not to worry-all would be okay. She said you have no idea but that is my greatest fear and has been all my life… I am so afraid of being pregnant and giving birth. WOW! God is good. He planted a seed of peace in her heart through this word for when the time was right! We found out later this sweet young couple were so sweet to pay our bill! SNEAKY! But thats how God works. He blesses us and then we get to bless others!
During this conversation, God said I could FINALLY tell her about the two kids He had in the works for her. If she was ever afraid, not to worry-all would be okay. She said you have no idea but that is my greatest fear and has been all my life… I am so afraid of being pregnant and giving birth. WOW! God is good. He planted a seed of peace in her heart through this word for when the time was right! We found out later this sweet young couple were so sweet to pay our bill! SNEAKY! But thats how God works. He blesses us and then we get to bless others!
We were about to leave and I had one necklace left. I felt like one of the necklaces and words were for a single older lady who had lost someone dear to them and would be alone this Christmas but I didn’t see anyone that fit that description. We were about to leave when lo and behold an older lady sat down all by her lonesome at the table next to us! WOAH. I couldn’t believe it! We felt like little love fairies sprinkling God’s love all over the people around us!
God sends us to bring good news and encourage others. He commands us to GO! To reach those He loves. We teach our kids “stranger danger” but God says that even though we may be lambs among wolves, He will protect us. Jesus said, “During my time here, I protected them by the power of the name you gave me. I guarded them so that not one was lost…I'm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one.” (Jn. 17:12,15) He will protect you as you love on His peeps! The people around you are not strangers to their Father in heaven. He knows them each by name…He knows the number of babies He has waiting on them, the hairs on their head and not one of them falls without Him knowing and caring. They are His children who He loves dearly and wants to speak to…THROUGH YOU!
People, even stranger-danger kind of people, may seem like they have everything money can buy but one thing we can never have enough of is God’s love.
And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.Eph 3:18-19)
So what’s stopping you from allowing God to share this amazing love through you? You might think, “I don’t even know where to start. HOW would I do this?” Thanks for being such an involved audience with all the great questions ;)
It’s easy! Ask Him and God will create the opportunity and bring the people to YOU just like He did for us!
You might not be crafty…you might be really shy…
so what if you bought someones meal like the couple did for us with a little note with your favorite scripture on it? It’s easy. Something so simple can show and flow His love through you! Will you do it? Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”
I said, “Here I am. Send me.”
All it takes is a willing heart! Do one simple act of love for a stranger today :)