Thursday, February 13, 2014


There’s an idea that’s been bubbling up within me sporadically since summer.  No, I don’t think it’s gas…  It feels more like celebration…the expensive bubbly kind that tickles your noise and goes down smoothly on New Years Eve while you kiss the one you love at the stroke of midnight.*

*(Insertion of legal disclaimer) For my concerned christian friends, no I’m not an alcoholic.  I wish that I had some of the bubbly available as I rang in the New Year.  Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, my new years eve was spent juicing and in my pajamas all day while watching a Lifetime Movie Network marathon about women who kill their husbands…I stayed sober to avoid the temptation. ;)

But I digress, the idea that has been giving me the warm and fuzzy feeling since New Years is my theme for my 2014:  

It’s the year of the underdog*
 *(please don’t confuse my 2014 theme with the chinese “year of the dog”…it’s  the year of the UNDERdog.  see definition below)

*1. a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest.
**2. a person who has little status in society.
***Origin:  Late 19th century: with reference to the beaten dog in a dogfight.
It’s way more fun to root for the underdog and see her (or him) win.  Games and movies where the highly favored team goes down to the Bad News Bears make me so happy that I cry. (I may be dating myself with that one). It’s exciting to watch movies like Secretariat or Miracle on Ice.  No one enjoys a movie where the giant wins.  We like the little guy to come out on top.  

God must like to root for the underdog too.  Read about Gideon and his army of 300.   The classic David and Goliath match up.   God always had the “remnant.”  Out of a gazillion or a bazoodle of people, only a few people stayed loyal and devoted to love Him when everyone else was loving their gold cows. (Can’t you see a rapper wearing a bunch of gold chains with a big golden calf square in the middle of his chest. You’re welcome for that visual ;)  God likes to play the odds and WIN!

Below are some UNDERdogs that OVERcame that I know personally or “know of” in a roundabout way:

1.  JESUS the most famous underdog of all time.  Boy, did that one go bad for the devil.  The devil thought he had pulled one over on Jesus.  He counted Jesus out but he was wrong.  “Big mistake….Huge!” (Quote from Pretty Woman).  Jesus is the ultimate reason for the season in the Year of the Underdog.

2. TANNER   My son, Tanner, has always been the underdog. He had asthma almost from birth. His love for soccer started about that time as well.  The kid never gave up.  Tanner would be wheezing up and down the field getting hits on his inhaler on the sidelines so he could get back in to the game.  As other boys grew taller, Tanner’s coach told him he was too little to play on his team.  Tanner needed to grow before he could compete.  I was ticked off  Tanner didn’t listen or receive the negative words spoken by his authority.  He just kept practicing and never gave up.  He is a varsity starter on his high school soccer team now.  I am so proud that he lets no-one and no-thing stand in the way of his dreams.  My son is a conqueror.

3.  PEYTON MANNING(never met him but my husband likes his story so he made the cut)
Peyton Manning endured four surgeries in two years one of which fused his freaking spine together…with metal. He was dropped from his lifelong football franchise, the Indianapolis Colts and given a chance by another less successful team.  Last month, at the age of 37, with steel rods holding his neck together, he took his team to the Super Bowl.  No, Peyton didn’t win the Super Bowl but he persevered and didn’t play victim and give up.  He had faith despite the deck being stacked against him. Peyton Manning proved everyone WRONG  that had counted him out, including the Indianapolis Colts who, by the way, DID NOT make it to the Super Bowl.  

4.  ME
First, I’m a girl and girls are natural underdogs.  I mean look at Hillary Clinton and Sara Palin.  We are asked “assist” or “help” but we don’t quite make the cultural cut to hold the highest office. (No, I am not running for President and this blog is not a sly way of stumping for your vote;) For whatever reason, we aren’t first choice as I said, underdog (from above definition ;)  **a person who has little status in society.

I’ve had people who were bigger and stronger than me who tried to “whip” me into shape and submission both mentally and physically.  I lost my voice and confidence because of these experiences and it was a hard fought battle to get them back.  I am now “kindly assertive” (Quote from Rebecca Lee Gates) 

To sum it up I’m a girl who has been rejected. Made some bad choices… I’ve failed a few times at love and marriage. I don’t have any of the qualities that make people spectacular like letters behind my name or even a college education.  I think I would fit squarely in the category of Underdog.  

My Maker takes what the world sees as nothing and makes it beautiful in it’s own time.  I have had seasons….long ones…where I didn’t believe God loved me.  So many times in my life, I’ve gone rounds with the darkness taking it’s punches.  It hasn’t been pretty…a head shot, one below the belt, my nose is gushing blood, my eye is swollen but all the resistance  really makes me more determined to see this thing through to the final round where I, the underdog, get the victory thanks to Jesus. It's not always easy…but here's the good news, we win.  It’s not a lifetime underdog type situation.  We have to keep fighting the good fight of faith to stand in His love and our identity. 

God doesn’t love someone on a podium more than me or you. I don’t have to be invited to the inner circle to be cool. I KNOW I’m cool because the freaking CREATOR of the UNIVERSE calls me His own.  God likes that I freeze my butt off to look at the stars and talk to him in private because He means that much to me.  I’ve humbled myself before Him and He and I are co-captains of my destiny.  I’m willing and obedient and he blesses it.  I dream with God and He brings it to pass as I step out in faith.  I want Him more than I want fame or fortune but He promises me success.

We can whine that someone always gets there first and we have no opportunities… others are more “special”(John 5:1-9).  I whine…a lot…but to God because He’s the only one that can really help me. To say others have more opportunities may be true but it’s also a victim mentality and we are MORE than conquerors.   Victims aren’t underdogs because underdogs don’t give up.  Underdogs have courage like Jesus to face death and put the enemy to shame. Underdogs show up to the game like Peyton Manning-win or lose. They press through adversity like my son, Tanner and they keep trying to use their voice in an effective way to change the world like me.   


“And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”  Joshua 1:8-9 (msg ver)


We are on the North Face of the mountain where not many feet have trod.   We may not have fan fare or be included in the Olympic mountain climbing team (if there is such a thing) but we climb nonetheless far from the site of others with God as our climbing partner.   I have to be willing to not faint, quit or give up but it’s not about relying solely on my strength.  It’s about my dependence upon God…continuing to climb the mountain  leaning into Him when I’m weak and don’t think I can go another step.  Our confidence doesn’t come from being accepted and winners. Our confidence comes from the One who has called us to be mountain climbers and world changers.   When we stand on the mountain top, we have conquered it and shout a hallelujah and give God some glory for giving us the strength to get us to the peak. 

I didn’t even know where my path would lead two years ago.  There were a lot of doors that closed in my face in the arena where I wanted to devote my heart and soul to but God has given me purpose and direction in my time alone with Him.    I received prophetic words over the last three years that I would write a book.  I tried to write but it was sporadic and never amounted to anything close to a book….until the Year of the Underdog.  

I started writing a fiction book on January 9, 2014 and finished it on January 30, 2014…my 42nd birthday…(definitely dated myself with that one) It took 21 days to write a 200 page book. With God’s help and my perseverance, I finished it! 

You are His chosen One who wouldn’t play victim or bow your knee to anyone or anything other than Him. (or if you did this blog is bringing severe conviction ;)  You wanted the secret place with Him more than the applause of people. You’re the remnant.  The rag tag group who loves God.  You haven’t seen success…YET.

Well, it’s your year, by God!   Your time to rise up and stand on the mountain top.  To take back what the enemy has stolen.   It’s the Year of the underdog and God is betting on you.  Drink some bubbly and let’s toast to what the new year holds for you.  Praise God for the victory!

For more encouragement check out Peyton’s story:


  1. Love this Jennifer! I receive it! I love cheering for the underdog, and have been one myself for quite a while. Can't wait to see what God will do. Congrats on the book! :)

    1. thanks, Kristi! It's our year! Keep me posted on your year. Be bold and courageous. Run your race!

  2. Congratulations on finishing your book!! I'm looking forward to reading it.
    Great post

    1. thanks, courtney. I'm looking forward to reading your book! The books are stepping stones and many more are on our path :)

  3. Well said!

    Theres an old saying "Its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.

  4. You were definitely in the zone to finish in 21 days. Others from the class that finished books already pretty much had them done. God is up to something and when that happens, the earth shakes! Congratulations on being an earth shaker!

    1. Thanks, Teresa! Let's get ready to rumble and shake it up. He's calling us up and out!

  5. Love you Jennifer, you rock and I am cheering you on. I am loud so you might need to plug your ears. I have to sit in the front row so i don't hurt others ears. So now that I am on your front row.
