Saturday, April 1, 2017

Rolling With Seal Team Six of Heaven

Rolling With the Seal Team Six of Heaven

Cooking dinner and I check my schedule with the airlines for the next day:


Jennifer does her happy dance in the kitchen and calls husband.  PAR-TAY! (Cuz my definition of PAR-TAY these days is laying in bed in my draw string pants and watching a movie ;)

My phone rings 15 minutes later:  “Flight Attendant Weiss we have an assignment for you returning tomorrow night.

“What happened to my release for tomorrow?”

“Oh yea, we took that away.”

“Thanks a lot.”  *said sarcastically but professionally.  Sometimes I can’t hide my sassy.

A trip leaving at almost midnight…on a friday…WUH WOH (charlie brown knows what I’m talking about)

It was a super simple trip, a turn to Austin, but the last thing I wanted to do was go out of town by myself on the weekend.

I fought the discouragement of the bait and switch of a release.  Then I had another idea.  I was staying in one of my fav hotels in austin…and I had an 18 hr layover there.  It WAS the weekend so maybe hubby would want to go and explore with me.

Hubby’s response: “I think I’ll stay here and work around the house”  Double bummer.  I’ve been doing something lately when i feel alone, I say, “God you are always with me. I am never alone.”

I got to the plane for the late night departure as the flight attendants were leaving the aircraft.  They were not happy campers. “I do not know why you are here.” Thanks, glad to see you too and BTW I don’t really want to BE HERE!  Let’s just call scheduling and sort this out.  It was past my bed time. My draw string pants were waiting.

The other flight attendant leaving the aircraft said, “This is some bullsh*#.  I’m calling our union.  We were on this trip and for NO reason they took us off and assigned reserves.  So instead of a cool hotel and having fun in Austin we are staying at some dump in Dallas.”

“Well, call scheduling,” one of the other reserves said.
“We did.  They refused to give the trip back.”  She said smartly.

I KNEW then that God had pulled some major strings to get me to Austin.  I felt the importance.  Austin was key and He needed me there.  I had purpose.  I gotta admit I felt a little like Seal Team Six being called in to take out Bin Laden but I really wasn’t sure what exactly the mission was.

It was an easy, short flight where most passengers slept.  I get to the hotel and write some things down for Austin in my “Fly Girl Journal” I created to help me be intentional on my travels.  I know He sends me to places to decree His Kingdom come.  It was 2 am.  I was exhausted and  fell into bed.

I woke up the next morning in my swanky hotel.  God had really sent me in style this time. :)  I focused on the fun and planned out my food stops for the day.  FIRST: EAT at Stella Jac’s THEN prayer walk it off at the capitol SO I could EAT once again.  #soundslikeasplendidplan

I ate and had a divine appointment with a table of ladies next to me.  Mission accomplished :)  I still planned on going to the capitol so I could walk off my 4 course brunch.

Normally when in Austin, I just truck on inside the gates to the Capitol and start to worshiping and praying but this time I felt a strong caution from the HS.

In my immaturity, I have overridden the cautions of the Holy Spirit.  One time, I decided I was going to take my town back from the devil and made some pretty brash declarations when I did not get a green light from God.  A car wreck on Halloween just a few weeks later taught me a very valuable lesson:  You don’t call the enemy into a street fight without getting bloody and, by God, if you are warring it better be because God has drafted you and that it is, in fact, your battle to be in.  #SentByGod

I stood in front of the gates of the Texas State Capitol and felt the distinct impression I would have to be in TUNE with the Holy Spirit or bad things would happen and the mission would be aborted or be failed!  #eyesandearsopen As I said, I’ve been walking long enough with JC to listen to that caution voice without getting into fear.  You don’t jump into a fight but IF YOU ARE put in the battle, by God, you don’t back down from it either because the battle is the Lords.

So I stayed outside the gates in obedience.  I took the roughly mile and a half walk around the outer perimeter of the Capitol.  I listened to Rita Springer’s Battles CD and I sang quietly to God.  I passed another gate of entrance.
“Not yet”

By not rushing in through the gates but praising Him first, some of the lyrics were so speaking to me “Every Battle is Yours… And all I did was Praise and all I did was worship…Great Defender…so much better your way.”  All I was doing:  Loving on God and being obedient and IT WAS POWERFUL.  I could feel it.  I felt literal gentle pressure of a hand on my shoulder guiding me.  That was a first and I felt so safe.  Right under the shadow of His wing.

I came to another gate, Enter now, Lord?
“Not yet”
I kept walking just a short distance until I realized I had walked around the entire perimeter.

I hit shuffle and a song came blasting through my headphones, “Let’s start a war!  Let’s start a love war!”

It was a major change in tempo from the peaceful worship songs that had cycled through on my long walk.

I heard as clear as day:  “NOW!”

Crud, what does that mean?  Do WHAT now?

You know the scene in Brave Heart where the opposing army is coming straight towards his army on the battlefield but William Wallace chants, “HOLD…..HOLD! HOLD!
And then when William Wallace calls out “NOW!”  His army drops their position of defense by lowering their shields and they unexpectedly picked up their weapons and the enemy had no time to react but ran right into their spears.  #lovethatpart

I had been “holding.”  It had to be the right moment.  And apparently that moment was NOW.  #saidwithaBraveHeartyell

I looked in front of me.  A guy and girl were walking into the Capitol grounds.  I chuckled. The back of his shirt said “Get Your Guns Up”  #TexasTechieswillgetit  I didn’t have a gun but I got my worship on :) #theweaponswefightwitharenotofthisworld #enterHisgateswiththanksgivingandpraise

It was seriously like I had to get in there right that second.  I know a little drama but it’s like the moment where the seal team ropes in except it was just little old me with my flips flops and sweaty arm pits.  I felt like my worship was the doorway for heavens army to enter. I had no spear but Gods Angel Armies got some guns so I followed the couple with the shirt inside the gates.  Maybe the army was roping down on Jacobs ladder?

SO MUCH HAPPENED inside those gates that I COULDN’T POSSIBLY WRITE IT ALL without it being a book. So I will share some of it.

I went in and, at first, nothing really happened.  I was still worshiping and jotted down some of the lyrics from different artists because I felt like they were commanding the atmosphere around our state capitol to change.

I sang out with the lyrics quietly, “We release the sound to break through the atmosphere and we release it now.  Your people call you near…Could this be the hour?  Could this be the day of new beginnings? Could this be the time?  In our generation.” Sean Feucht

“There is a blood that cost a life to pay my way. Death it’s price when it flowed down from the cross, my sins were gone.  My sins forgot” Rita Springer

After walking for almost a solid hour inside the gates, I found myself at the Texas State Capitol steps and people were streaming inside.
I had another strong impression:  “Not yet. We haven’t taken the entrance yet.”
I normally don’t hear God with such clarity… so I was like: I might be hearing things and dreaming this up but it kind of made sense so I asked for a confirmation.  My eyes settled on one of those orange construction cones tucked in an out of the corner of the deep windows.  It really had no reason for being there.  I felt like God was saying “caution.”

So I moved to some steps on the side and I sat there waiting for God’s angels to do whatever they were doing LOL!  #probablykickingsomeenemybutt #woohoo  meanwhile I wasn’t SAYING anything to the enemy I WAS WORSHIPING!  I was praying to God the things on my heart for our beautiful state.

I heard “Turn the worship music on.”
I responded, “Check! Already done.”  #teacherspet

“No, out loud.”
WHAT?  There were tours going on and it was a Saturday.  In Austin.  There were LOTS of people.
I sat on the steps and turned it on really low. #partialobedience
I heard “Louder”
I have a thing about loud noises and that we don’t get to disturb other people with our loud phone calls or music.  My freedom can’t infringe on anothers.

I heard again “LOUDER”  I looked around and NOW there was NO ONE around me.  A confirmation from God.
So I cranked it (but not obnoxiously loud;) I could probably get escorted off the property if I disturbed the peace.  I was a little nervous looking around for the po-po
and I am not kidding, a black crow flew from the side straight at me.  I saw it almost like in slow mo (i almost messed my pants)

THANKFULLY there was a gate/guard rail in front of me.  It landed right next to me on the other side of the gate and started with a piercing noise followed by squacking, ruffling it’s feathers.  It did NOT like my worship music.  I got some video after I recovered from my heart palpitations and checked my pants.

Then I was a little miffed.  How dare this crow harass me so if we are going with the seal team six theme I did a little rat-tat-tat by speaking the name of Jesus.  He started BACKING up!  CRAY!  The name of Jesus is powerful Y’ALL!

More people were coming so I put my headphones back in and that was okay.  I felt like the enemy had been evicted with worship :)

What now, God?
“Wait.”So I did.  I did some not so seal team six moves.  I texted.  I took some selfies ;)  #sealteamsixprobdoesselfies

This 80-something man and woman with a cane came up to the bottom of the side stairs I was sitting on.  She handed her sweet husband her cane and began what looked to be a painful walk slowly up the stairs.  I saw her cross necklace and she had a red shirt on. #bloodofChrist

“I heard follow them to the top.  They’ve fought the good fight of faith and they’ve been found faithful.”

So I lagged a little behind because I was arguing with God about being now being a stalker.  I realized she had walked up the steps instead of taking the ramp right behind me.  I would have missed her had she taken the ramp.  The steps were not easy for her to navigate.  So now I had a confirmation. I obeyed and caught them both in the hallway.  I don’t know where the boldness came from - prob because I was afraid that my "stalker" arguing with God caused a missed opportunity -  so I walked up and said, “Hi, I was outside praying on the steps for our state.  For some really specific things that I was wondering if you would agree in prayer on.”  They wholeheartedly agreed. I asked if there was anything I could pray for them over and the husband explained Karen’s back was causing her a lot of pain so we prayed for that too.  We hugged and parted ways and by that time I was hungry again :) So I had to go carb up after the battle ;)

What I learned in Austin:

Had I given into my pity party about the rescinded release or that I would be alone once again, I would’ve completely missed it this opportunity.  Things that don’t look like they are going our way may be GOD SET UPS for miracles.

Obedience in the moment is imperative.  I DO NOT jump out in front of him but nor do I lag behind. Ask for a confirmation and then MOVE!  I don’t get to think about it or decide whether I want to do it.  Or worry about if I will look silly.   If I am thinking about myself then  my eyes are on me. If I am worried about misrepresenting God then my eyes are on others. #EyesOnGod Timing with God is critical.   If I’m worried about these things then I will get distracted.

PRAYER IS WAR!  Worship makes war without me having to fight in my own strength.  Love is war.  Operating in these things takes ground for the kingdom WHEN done in obedience to God’s leading. #HisWayIsBest #OnlyFoolsRushIn I don't have to get bloody in the war. I get to be completely Hidden under the shadow of Gods wing and I get the honor of writing about it!

Ask God to send you on your very own Holy Ghost Adventure.  It’s so fun rolling with God and His army  #SealTeamSixofHeaven

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