Wednesday, April 26, 2017

All I Do Is Win ;)

On my way to a coffee shop and the hubs and I had an interesting convo. We were talking about trees and the benefits of different kinds as we look for houses. I decided to go abstract on him. "If you were a tree what would you be?" He was an oak. Deep roots. Strong. I said I thought I might be a magnolia but I didn’t know why. He said they were soft on the outside with delicate flowers but were a hardwood on the inside. I said, “I like that because it means my core is strong.” (btw he loves these kinds of conversations: NOT but he played along with me cuz he knows it makes me happy to connect in that kind of way ;)
I truck on in to the coffee shop and settle down in my comfy chair. The lady next to me has a tree tattoo with roots traveling down her upper arm. Trees. I notice confirmations like this because God usually has some message for me to deliver and He is showing me a sign. 
So I asked God: “What do you have to say, Lord?” 
My friend, Lisa, had given me a printed prophetic word earlier in the day.
The highlights of the word she gave me: 
“You are an arrow!!!!”(Lisa always uses minimum 2 exclamation points and this was 4 so God really meant it) You WILL hit the mark right on center!!! (3!’s) Bulls eye!!!! (4!’s) :)
I felt like this card was to be “re-gifted” to tree lady and I heard a few more things I jotted down: 3-5 year plan/strategy. God wanted to know her wants vs. needs and for her not to think too much about it. If she felt like she needed it now, to ask. He will provide for her needs NOW. The wants would be fulfilled but it would take a little time. I wrote “He’s building something that will fulfill your hearts desires.” <——that was the wants and it would be coming. I shared that I also felt like she was prophetic and I wasn’t telling her anything she didn’t already know. 

I awkwardly interrupted her from her earphones and she graciously listened wide-eyed as I shared the word above not really given me any confirmations until the end and then she just put her hands over her face and cried. She said she REALLY REALLY needed to hear that today. She had been sitting there for 2 hours uninspired and had been taken some serious hits from the enemy as of late. She turned her computer around and said seriously, “Let me show you what I was working on earlier.” The document said 1 yr plan, 3 yr plan, 5 yr plan. Then she opened up the graphic for her non-profit. Two arrows crossed with feathers and her ministry is called: RAISING ARROWS! 

Raising Arrows
Her ministry helps families where CPS is involved. The ministry coordinates with willing host families to care for the children rather than the sweet little ones going into the foster care system while momma focuses on getting well. If momma agrees, she can work on her life challenges while the children stay with a loving family who expects nothing in return. Sometimes momma and/or daddy don’t get clean and the children stay with the family but the goal is to restore the family if at all possible. The government doesn’t understand her…”Why would you care for someone else’s children without receiving money like a regular foster family?” they ask. It’s simple: LOVE. The Father’s Heart. Because He asked her to and she said yes. That’s why. People don’t understand the force and power of the love of God. 
A picture of Makenzie Beaver and her beautiful family. She and her husband grew up without a lot of love so the love they carry is supernatural...not born of this earth but planted by God. They have two adopted children and 5 of their own. One of her children was born addicted to meth but is thriving now :)
If you feel led, please share this story and/or the link for her ministry. 
What I learned: 
Ever have those days in the prophetic where you think “All I do is win?” Yeah, doesn’t happen for me very often either ;) It’s more like the #nailedit photos. I included one cuz they crack me up and because as hard as we try, we will "miss it" sometimes but God works it all for our good and His glory.
In the prophetic we do our best to paint the picture God is showing us in our head. We see in part. We prophesy in part. This time that picture was a song that I had the honor of singing right on key ;) AND WOAH it was so fun to be part of delivering this message! 
Why was this prophetic word right on target #bullseye?
Lisa and I did this TOGETHER. Unity: it’s where the anointing flows. Ps. 133:1-2 I LOOOOOOOVE kids! AND Lisa and her husband both have a heart for children too #greatestparentsever
I wasn’t as much prophesying or declaring Makenzie's future as I was reading her blueprint and agreeing with it. Sometimes it takes 2 keys to unlock a door. She had hers and I just put my key in the lock and voila it opened!!!!
3. Ask
She asked-she was reaching out to God but the door stayed closed so He sent me!
Ask God to confirm you are on the right track. Even while I was writing this, my coffee I ordered looked just like a tree to me! LOL #confirmation#openeyesandears
4. Obedience.
SO IMPORTANT. We are sometimes distracted and we don’t hear Him. Be intentional to ask Him to lead you in your day. We think we are dreaming things up but we are SO led by God if we’ve surrendered to Him. You just might be the answer to someone’s prayer or have the exact key that fits the lock of the door they are trying to open.
Surrender prayer if you would like to pray: Holy Spirit, lead me and guide me. I’ll go where you want, when you want and say what you tell me to say. I am willing to look foolish. I’ve lost sight of my pride and myself. This isn’t about me, it’s about you. I surrender my pride and fear to you. Bring me friends I can share this gift with and pour out your anointing. All for you, God. In your name we ask and pray.

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