Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hanging with the Oaks-Life in the slow lane

Sitting on my back porch in our rental house and looking at a yard full of dead leaves. #transition The more I learn about oak trees, the more I am astounded at what they teach me.

-Trees live life in the slow lane and don't get in a hurry #rest #peace

-Their growth is imperceptible, yet, it continues year after year

-The tightest rings in a year of their life show the smallest growth but actually are the most dense and strong. Lean times produce strength

-When one tree experiences trauma or is sick they send help through their roots or a network of fungus that links them together. They will share what they have stored.

-Oaks drop acorns and have babies that surround them

-Oak tress make their acorns in order to reproduce after they come of age but not before #Godstiming

-The oak trees in my yard offer shelter and a covering.  I noticed how they grew until their crowns touched and then started growing a different direction to not interfere with the neighbor trees #boundaries #connectionwithoutharm

-When trees are thirsty or even pruned, they send a sound wave through them like a scream. The screams can warn others of a drought. Pruning hurts but it can help them not be spread thin or go where it's harmful

-In winter, the oak tree drops all its leaves. They play dead so interlopers won't seek a home in it and destroy it. When it's not safe outside, they go internal.  They look dead but their roots are growing deeper.

God's creation is so amazing. He's all around us speaking. I pray he shows you something special through His creation today. The clouds... a beautiful flower...true colors in the changing leaves or even through all the dead leaves littering your yard. Nature is speaking if we will get in the slow lane and listen, watch and learn.  Selah.

I took this picture while laying on my back in all the dirt and leaves. Felt a little like a kid again. #childlikewonder #lifewithnofilter

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