Friday, December 30, 2016

Mom Genes (not to be confused with mom jeans)

Be the best Mum you can be
The gate agent brought a little girl down for early boarding on our flight out of Tucson last week. I’ll call her Elsa since she was really into the movie Frozen.  #LetItGo Elsa had lots of Frozen gear: the back pack, the suitcase and the sweatshirt.
I was the number 1or lead flight attendant  #nohorntooting There’s really no glory in it. It just means you are responsible if something goes wrong :-/
So as the number 1, the gate agent handed me the UM (unaccompanied minor) paperwork for Elsa. I asked, “You seated her next to women?”
“Um, I’m not sure. Maybe.”
I had a hundred and one things going on up front with boarding to get us out on time as all the flight attendants do.
I asked the other FA to verify the little brown haired, green eyed freckled cutie pie
was seated in a safe place.

See we had a horrible incident with a UM on a summer flight. The man molested a girl and she was too scared to say anything during the flight. A flight attendant thought something was off and moved her but it was too late. As I read about it, I knew I would watch over any little ones that were placed on my flights more carefully. I know how those types of situations can alter sexuality when awakened too soon. Now that I follow my Father’s heart, I was NOT going to let it happen on my watch.
The flight attendant came back up to help me. I asked her about Elsa. She moved her to the back row to be closest to the galley with the other flight attendants. She said Elsa was still seated next to a guy. I called the male flight attendant in the back and he said she liked her seat on the aisle next to the guy. I said she needed to be moved. He explained he didn’t see any open seats but would try to find one.  #wewereallbusy
I poked my head into the Captain, “Cabin secure. Okay to close boarding door?” He said “Not yet. Hold off. I want to re-check the weight and balances.”

An unusual interruption at departure time with pressure to close the door on time. I remembered my little UM so I left my post at the front with the gate agent and hurried down the aisle to the back of the aircraft where Elsa was seated. The 30-something guy was chatting her up and she was all smiles and giggles. I said, “Honey, we are going to move you.”
“No, I like it here.”  #poutyface
I walked up several rows before I found a single open seat. A Christmas miracle being the week of the holiday. The seat was perfect-next to two 70 + year old grandmother type women.
I would hide little Elsa there.
I asked the two ladies if it was okay and could they watch her and take her to the bathroom if needed?
They nodded and an older man on the opposite aisle chimed in, “We are grandparents. We will keep her safe.” He was on the opposite aisle (a miracle that he hadn’t moved next to his wife in the open seat. #divineplan)
I went back and told Elsa “We’re moving.” She fussed a bit, “But he’s nice” pointing to the duck tailed young man next to her. “Let’s go.” Nothing against the guy but I wasn’t taking chances with my precious cargo.
“Sorry, sweetie.” I grabbed her bag and thankfully she followed me.
I walked back up to the front in time to hear that we were clear to close the boarding door. I asked the gate agent to pretty please sit UM’s only next to females in the future and she said she would.
I felt peaceful doing everything within my power to keep Elsa in a safe place.
Some may have felt I was being mean to “duck tail” dude but honestly he’s fine. Not a good position for him to be in either.
Or maybe I was making much ado about nothing. The other flight attendants weren’t really concerned.  #hypervigilant I’m okay with that. #safetyfirst
Some may say, pray have faith. Of course, that comes first but try telling that to a mama bear when she gets wind of danger or watch a bird over her nest.
God gives YOU AND I the wisdom, discernment and authority to bring His kingdom to this earth. To protect the weak. Look at the Holocaust - Irene Sendler. She didn’t JUST say a prayer for the Jews. She rescued over 2500 Jewish children. She loved in action even at her own peril. I’m not claiming to be an Irene Sendler by any means. I was basically doing my job by finding the safest place I could for Elsa. #judgmentcall
Moral of the story:

1 Obedience
We have to move when God says move even if we don’t understand it or don’t want to like Elsa. How many times have I NOT listened to that voice of wisdom when it came to men, friendships, situations, decisions. I did what I thought was right and what made me happy.  Making my my own way helped me feel in control of my life. Sometimes it’s not about being free or happy, it’s about God’s loving protection.
We have to trust being obedient to God is because He doesn't want to control us but to protect and love us. No safer place to be than in God’s will.

2 Mom genes (not to be confused with Mom Jeans ;)
Lisa Bevere said something along the following lines:  be the woman to the younger generation that you needed at that age.  Mother defintion verb: bearing a relation like that of a mother, as in being the origin, source, or protector. Assume as one's own. To care for or protect like a mother; act maternally toward.We don’t take place of or supersede natural mother’s but if God has placed young ‘uns or even older girls in our hands or path, we can love, protect, provide wisdom or  care for them. Do our part. Protect the weakest. Be the best Mum you can be<3 p="">

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