How many of you still have dreams you would like to accomplish? ME TOO! I’m a good “starter” thriving on passion but when it gets boring and I’ve run out of “passion” gas, I stall out. I’ve been working on a book for 2 years and I am having trouble focusing when there’s no immediate reward. No one’s reading it. It’s not like a blog where I get to write and finish it quickly and get to hit “publish.” There’s no immediate reward and I lack the motivation and FOCUS to keep going much of the time. It’s a marathon and I prefer to sprint :)
Below are a few steps we can take to cross the finish line and see our desires fulfilled. I’m mainly preaching to myself and encouraging myself to stay focused and finish this part of my race (aka my book) Speaking of finish lines, I’ll use the acronym “WALK” to help us remember. I chose WALK because it’s do-able. Maybe it’s your personality to RUN. Great! Borrowing some lyrics here: “I don’t care how you get there just get there if you can!”
W…Write it down. Every book started with one SINGLE word. An author has to get that first word down. A law is just a series of words written down…but there’s an authority and power to enforce them. Habakkuk said, “write the vision down.” He understood that there is a FAITH when you get that goal out of you and onto paper. God acts on faith…so do that RIGHT/WRITE NOW. Write down a single goal. It can be anything: great or small. There is no wrong answer.
A…Action. Do one action every day to move towards your goal….something… anything. One thing, no matter how small, each day. It might be googling a word associated with your goal. If you want to be a professional pilot on day 1 look up local flight schools, the following day find out how many hours it takes to become a professional pilot, begin a book about a famous pilot. A single penny dropped daily in a piggy bank will eventually fill it. A single step in a marathon will lead to you eventually crossing the finish line. Don’t despise humble beginnings.
L… Link arms with someone. Life is just better TOGETHER. We can encourage each other. Make sure it is someone who BELIEVES in you and your dream and you can do the same for them. Eccl. 4:9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
K…and this is the most cruicial aspect of completing your goal. KEEP GOING. If you run out of gas, do you just leave your car there forever? No, it’s too valuable. You fill it up and you continue on your journey. So just simply BEGIN again. Your dreams are valuable not only to you but to the WORLD! The world has need of all the creativity and goodness inside of you. So Keep Going.
Ways to achieve your goals:
W-Write it down
A-action every day
L-Link Arms
K-Keep going
Let’s pray for each other: God, we know that it’s not by might not by power BUT BY YOUR SPIRIT that we accomplish anything. You want us to succeed and our dreams be fulfilled even more than we do. You planted these dreams in our hearts JUST FOR US before you laid the foundations of the earth, you had us and your dreams for us in mind. Lord, would you bring it to pass? We want to cooperate and partner with you in this world. Help us to be obedient even when we don’t feel like it. Be our strength and the wind to help us soar to new heights. We will only sing your praise. People are not our answer. You are. Fulfill what you have promised. Love you, God.
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