A girlfriend and I decided to do a “vision board” Think New Years resolutions church-ed up. I prayed about what I wanted to accomplish for the year. What dreams did I have in my heart? What plans did God have for me and my family? #dreamingwithGod
One of the items that made the cut from my heavenly CEO for 2015:
fine print: (I also heard “simplify” but that didn’t sound like fun so He might not have said it;)
I typed up my list and created a vision board. I proudly displayed it so I could look at it every day and stay focused! That goal meant our income would stay steady or increase to allow us to GIVE MORE THAN EVER. Yay, God! Woo hoo!
It must have been opposite year because that.did.not.happen. In 2015, our funds dried up. The bulk of our income flowed from oil and gas wells. Instead of gusher oil wells, we had drippers…slow slow drippers and dry holes. Accounting adjustments were made NOT in our favor.
A lot of our months, were truly in the red if you took the $ we lost or borrowed to meet our bills. Still when we received our paychecks, we would give our pittance of a tithe, give to the orphans, giving to end human trafficking.
Some little miracle would always come through but it wasn’t a divine rescue, it was selling something, a loan or credit card advance which brought us further into debt. My husband sold guns and his super cool truck, we put the kids on an extreme budget, forget about shopping. #couponclipping We could not continue to borrow. The B word came to my mind… and not the one people use to describe kindly assertive women ;) What if it came to that? No but what else could we do with the mounting debts…but hang on another month and be obedient to God.
In previous years, our accountant would remark how much we gave away: You guys are really generous. I have a few charities if you need some names.… ;) Now, we couldn’t even pay him :(
Like the Israelites at the Red Sea with Egyptians bankers on our back, we begged the Red Sea to part so we wouldn’t drown in the debt…
I encouraged myself and gave thanks. This process brought my husband and I closer than ever and what we’ve lost: it’s just stuff! my family WAS doing so well relationally and healthwise. I lived in a trailer when I was little so I knew we would be all right no matter what #everythingisagiftfromGod #praiseHimandfindjoy
I looked at my vision board. There was undeniable fruit on some of the items listed:
Family unity: Leaps and bounds growth
Organized mind and house: yup!
Had we failed? Had God? Were we disobedient? Was there some open door for the enemy to steal from us? Did God really even want that on my vision board? This is NOT the abundant life.
We had given LESS $ than we ever had in years past and we would finish out the year without the breakthrough we had been hoping and praying for.
I went into my closet and laid on my face before God and sobbed. I’m so sorry. I let you down or maybe you let me down or maybe we made bad decisions. I just don’t understand. I finally quieted and asked God what He had to say. He answered me immediately. He said: You gave all you had…even when it hurt to give, you gave. In the past, you gave out of your abundance. This year you have GIVEN MORE THAN EVER. This year giving cost you something.
I was like hey, i think that's actually in the bible somewhere #thankGodforgoogle:
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