no blue hair required
must have all fingers
no special cloths needed
I've had some crazy "divine appointments." What I consider a divine appointment could be characterized as evangelism or:
Being a disciple of Jesus
Evangelism literally means: bring or announce good news, preach.
my definition of evangelism: A disciple of Christ following His lead to be a good news messenger who shares the love and hope of the Father through a Holy Spirit led encounter.
I was at Mi Chula's in Southlake one day. On the outside, I looked like anyone else who loves Mexican food but I was alert and watchful as I chain-smoked my chips and salsa. I had a cute gift bag with a picture of a sun shining on it that said PRAISE. My eyes settled on a boisterous African American lady at the drink station. I felt like it was for her. She brought the sunshine inside with her. I walked up as if I was getting a drink and said, "I have this present and I felt like God said this was for you. I hope you have a great day knowing how loved you are." She replied, "Is it a bomb?" Most people respond with thank you but this was such a fun and maybe a tiny bit of a suspicious reaction. "No," I answered laughing. "I feel like God wants to show you how much He loves you today." What she said does ring true. When someone approaches to evangelize Jesus, it's normally an awkward, agenda motivated, and uncomfortable experience that produces no fruit and, well, sometimes it's a real bomb. However, God is rolling out a new evangelism program from the top down which means evacuating our church buildings to go out and seek and save those that are lost and in need of love. We want to bring people into the walls of the church but God commanded us to be OUTGOING. (see scriptures: Matt.10:8, Mk.16:15, Phil.2:15, Acts1:8, Matt.28:19, Rom.10:13-15, Acts13:47, 1 Chron.16:24, Lk.24:47, Nah.1:15, Matt.24:14, Is.40:9, Rev.14:6, Acts 8:12, Is.52:7, Acts 13:32, Ps.96:3, Acts 26:14-18)
If we try to evangelize those that come to the church only we are literally preaching to the choir. Those that need it most are left out in the cold. Ideally, when we are bringing people to know Christ, we aren't bringing them into a building but INTO an intimate relationship behind the veil with the One who created them and loves them.
In fact, thinking about evangelism in today's world does remind me of dismantling a ticking time bomb. There is the threat of running out of time with souls to save. Saying the wrong thing severs the wrong wire along with our connection. We chose the red wire coming in with some direct truth and it destroyed the relationship and ended up leaving both feeling rejected....or maybe we listened and prayed when we should have been direct with the truth. If we do nothing or make a wrong move, it explodes and blows everyone to hell. Evangelism has been given a bad name and it's time we rewire our connection to the Holy Spirit to make it effective.
Jesus type of evangelism was healing the sick, raising the dead, making the dirty clean and driving out demons everywhere He went and imparting that ability to His disciples . (Matt.10:8) When people experienced the good news, they were sold out and sometimes Jesus never said a word! Admittedly, we aren't walking in this but He says ask and it will be given, seek and we will find, knock and the door will be opened. Rather than making excuses or living in fear, start asking for opportunities to do the greater things Jesus mentioned.
When I think of evangelists, I think of "televangelists"-crazy colored hair people on TV trying to sell me some special cloth dipped in anointing oil from Israel. With a financial seed sown, this "special" cloth will make all my problems disappear when wrapped within it. I also think of street evangelists who are avoided like the plague. Unfortunately, these two types of evangelists get a lot of attention. They give evangelist "love a bad name." Evangelism just really isn't done in the biblical sense. We invite people to church but normally without relationship. We "sell" our church but forget that the good news isn't found in a church bulletin or building but the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is UPON US! We have been anointed to preach the good news, heal the sick, raise the dead, bind up the broken hearted and set captives free by going out...not necessarily to another country but in our world..wherever we go since our steps are ordered by The Lord. Our current state of evangelism includes grouping up with like minded people while rejecting those who reject our beliefs.
In modern war movies today, bomb makers always have the telltale sign of missing a few fingers. That's what we have with modern evangelism. Bloody hands. God is rewiring the way I think on what this gift of service and ministry really looks like through His eyes. We need to keep all of our fingers and blow up the enemy's strongholds with precision, not us or others.
Below are some sure ways to bomb at evangelism:
Debby Downer does street evangelism (Fear Based) We all know the girl (or guy) on the corner yelling her 'turn or burn' mantra creating her own unpopular and painful open mic night on a busy corner where people can't help but hear. Everyone seems to avoid Debby, and God love her, she isn't getting a whole lot of action. This is the gal who brushes off the rejection of her judgment of the world by quoting scriptures about how they hated Jesus so it doesn't bother her that they hate her too. She's going to keep preaching the "truth" without love. I mean she's there for THEM to SAVE their soul. Ingrates- hmmm wonder how much fruit she is seeing from her efforts to throw seeds at peoples heads and pitchforks at their hearts? My guess is none.
The Used Car Salesman (Force and/or manipulation)
Zechariah 4:6 says "Not by might nor by power but BY MY SPIRIT says The Lord." God doesn't use force, guilt, coercion or manipulation. Fear tactics, we might sell "Jesus" but they quickly fall away recognizing that they didn't commit with their heart. I call this the bait and switch. We play on their fears or guilt them into a commitment and they are disappointed when their wildest dreams didn't come true. We sold them a lemon that has no engine or heart to keep them running. This false advertising makes them bitter with buyers remorse.
Fear based or forced evangelism creates bondage, rebellion and slavery through fear not love. If you truly love people from your heart and walk in a knowing of Gods love then they will see Him and want to know Him for themselves. I feel the same way about submission. When forced, it creates bondage and rebellion and slavery. Some act like you have to follow Jesus or you have to submit like you have to buy this car and it's your last chance. Yes, following Jesus is a wise thing to do because God is awesome and the best! God would never take away our choice to follow Him from our hearts though. He doesn't want external submission. He wants it from the heart. It's our choice. We need to know that we get to choose Him because He first loved us. We can approach evangelism this way without feeling and applying pressure.
Evangelism Jesus' style:There is no cookie cutter mold or formula for evangelism. We can see from Jesus' life that He was led by the Father through the Holy Spirit to some divine and pivotal moments with impeccable timing. While we don't need to feel pressure, we do want to understand that God has set this whole thing up and prepared their heart for this moment and we have the choice to be obedient. I see so much work being done by God to prepare for these divine moments and encounters that we let slip through our fingers. He chose me with my lack of bible degree, inability to remember the exact location in the bible for a scripture, why? I have no idea. I think angels probably could explain things a little better but it's not my plan. While there is no pressure, we must be aware and obedient out looking for those that He wants to show His love to through us.
Jesus was bold in confrontation. Please make a note that these special "in your face" war of words were always won by Jesus and were had with prideful religious people who claimed to see but were really blind. They were unteachable with a superiority complex because of their standing in the synagogue and their perceived lack of sin. For all their perfectness and outward zeal, they had zero relationship with the Father or they would have recognized Jesus as His son and their Savior. This type of religion drove Jesus cray cray...He threw tables around He was so angry at their treating His special things as if they were worthless. Jesus was not afraid of His "dark" side and despised the religious performance. Aren't Christians always supposed to be happy, encouraging and turn the other cheek. Anger is a big no-no. Guess pretending to be happy and not dealing with issues isn't biblical...huh? Just keep in mind, His anger was for the religious pretenders.
Jesus could also be kind and gentle. I like to think of what it would like to look into the eyes of Jesus and stare into the windows of His soul and feel the warmth of His light on my face (Matthew 6:22). I have met a few people who see others like Jesus did. Jesus kindness could be seen when He met up with the woman caught in the very act of adultery wisely protecting her from the rabid geologists who wanted to experiment the effects of throwing rocks at human flesh. A rich guy named Jairus begged Jesus to come heal his daughter. Along the way to J's house, a woman secretly stalked Him who suffered from a flipping twelve year period. Can you blame her? Her husband probably was clubbing people so she could get through. She would have been considered "unclean" by their standards but Jesus wasn't afraid of getting dirty. He knew that what He carried couldn't be contaminated. He had the ultimate stain remover in His blood. He went out of His way to touch the "untouchable" lepers. To the the leper who cried out "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean! (Jn 8:1-11) He responded with "I am willing." How kind is Jesus? He also was no respecter of persons or status. He wanted to help those who asked for or needed help no matter what their education level or social status. He loved the sick who knew they needed a doctor. Do we love the sick?
Love (motivation is Love and obedience to the Father) Our love for others must be coupled with an intense hatred towards the enemy who keeps them bound. It's like a momma nurturing, feeding and holding her baby close but willing to die fighting anyone who tries to harm it. She would never wound her baby because an attacker came against it. The anger would be misdirected. Most of us have one or the other. We are all love and nurture but no lions roar or all roar and attacking our own. Jesus's commands us to love AND to cast demons out. Are you walking in this power and authority. The enemy has been defeated. Pray, love God and love people. Love dismantles the bomb of evangelism and creates a direct hit to the plans of the enemy. Giving the love of Christ reminds me of the Motley Crue band member who wrote the song "Kick Start My Heart" after he overdosed on drugs. He was talking about the paramedic, who was also a big fan, inserting not one but two shots of adrenaline directly into his heart. These injections literally "kick started" his heart again. That's the power of the Holy Spirit that we carry with us. We can bring others back to life if we carry His love which allows us to get behind the walls and touch their heart.
I think of the time that I was going to get an abortion and the woman walked up to me practically throwing a plastic uterus at me. You're going to kill your child. I was so messed up in the head at that time that, unfortunately, it did not keep me from going through with the abortion so there was no fruit in her labors. In fact, after making that awful choice once, I felt condemned to hell and it became easier the second time. As determined as I was that day do you know what MAY have gotten my attention? If she had said, whatever you decide, God loves you and I'm here to talk, listen, pray with you. I MIGHT have stopped in my tracks at their lack of agenda and true concern and love for my plight. Regardless that type of loving approach would have gotten past my defenses and been planted as a seed in my heart. We've got to get out of the mentality that we can force or guilt people into changing. It creates more bondage. However, keep in mind, that bad responses don't always reflect a crash and burn in evangelism.
A lady planted a seed in my life about ten years ago. I was going through a divorce and she gave me a daily devotional. I was picking up my daughter from her friends house when Alma said "I bought this for you and I've been praying for you." I said little but was angry at my daughter, wrongly so, for sharing my most recent failure at love. I promptly threw the devotional in the back of my car and muttered, "great she felt sorry for me." I didn't throw it away. It was a sleeper agent seed on a timer. I kept it and about a year later had an undeniable meeting with God and the devotional suddenly turned up again like manna from heaven, I would read it daily as I was growing in my relationship with God. I ran into Alma again randomly and asked her to lunch. Through tears, I shared with her that even though I didn't respond well to her that she had planted that seed in my life and it bore fruit. My husband and I had divorced but we reconciled 7 years after our divorce and God had restored our covenant through her quiet prayers and simple acts of obedience.
There's no formula to evangelism, just follow God. Evangelism is a moment by moment connection with God to stay on course. The following are some tips. It's not an exhaustive list and I invite you to dialogue with God about it but here are a few things that I have seen produce good fruit:
-PRAY! ASK GOD to lead
-intimacy with God so you know how to listen for His voice. you will have no lasting fruit unless you have an intimate relationship with God.
-put the full armor of God on and bind the plans of the enemy-don't focus on sin or correction. Quite frankly it's none of your business and you have no voice unless you are in relationship with them
-ask the Holy Spirit what to say and stay connected to Him-love is not conditional upon them accepting Jesus
-Don't go in for the kill, in conversations get to know them, listen first before speaking-put the full armor of God on
-ask The Lord to lead you to divine appointments-be alert and watchful
obey: doesn't have to and probably will not make sense
decree: start with prayer and asking God then decree what you feel He is saying
trust: leave it in Gods hands to fulfill the prayers
What evangelism has looked like for me:
I like to plant seeds of love- gifts that can't be stolen like a rock that has an encouraging scripture on it or a devotional. I don't try to seal the deal. I allowed the Holy Spirit to bring them to a place where either they are talking to God personally or someone else will follow me. It says that Paul planted and Apollos watered it. We just all need to be doing our part and being obedient to the Holy Spirit. It's not our job to convince anyone of anything.
I also like to take life groups out on "2x2 missions." I pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and we would draw names to send people out like in the bible Jesus "began to send them out two by two and gave them authority to cast out evil (impure) spirits." Mark 6:7 It was so fun to see how the Holy Spirit would pair up people with similar giftings. A couple of ladies who both have the gift of healing went to a local restaurant. Neither brought gifts to give away since they felt they were to pray for the sick. Imagine their surprise when they saw a walker planted by their table. They looked next to it and began a conversation with the woman who it belonged to. Small world or BIG GOD, she was in a walker because of an illness that one of the 2x2 party's mother had suffered through. They were able to pray for this woman who was offended at the church to have not only her body restored but her relationship with the church.
Evangelism can mean bringing the kingdom and atmosphere of heaven to earth. Today a little whisper told me to go to Southlake TnSquare. I really thought I would have a divine appointment so I sat on a park bench and waited. Nothing...Did I miss you God? No one came. I then felt led to pray over the area and decreed what I felt led to pray about. As I was walking to my car I saw all these signs about a parade. Then I found out they were having a carnival and a parade that evening. It clicked in my Spirit. Whatever plans the enemy had for that night had been scrapped and God had a new plan to bring his Spirit here through prayer. What we do is important, what we say is power and what we pray changes the world into His Kingdom. Maybe you think I'm wrong...maybe it was a coincidence, my imagination but if I'm right and I heard God and obeyed then I just changed history. God is responsible for the outcome. I just obey! What have you got to lose??
I was studying at LaMadeline's when I looked up and saw a girl working the cash register. I felt like God had something to say so I asked Him. This thought sounded like my own but I heard "tell her I love her and I will take care of her." I tried to reason with this voice-we are in the bible belt and everyone knows Jesus loves them. The voice persisted so I wrote the note on a torn off piece of scrap paper which seemed fairly lame. I also felt like He wanted me to give her $20 which I normally don't do. I have to say that I hated every second of this process and felt awkward. I was new at hearing and following the voice of God in these situations and really felt like I was making things up. Still, I handed the folded up piece of paper with the $20 inside and said, "This is for you" to which she replied "Is it trash?" This was not going well. "No, it's a note for you." I walked out feeling like a complete weirdo.
A year later, I went back to that restaurant. The same young lady was there and said, "You're the note lady." Oh great, I thought. She remembers that... I was hoping we could pretend that never happened but there was no getting out of it without lying. "Yes, yes, I am." She came over and told me a little bit of her story. She was single, pregnant and considering an abortion. This is the good news-she KEPT her precious baby and had a little girl. She wanted to make sure I knew that she was a Buddhist and didn't believe in all the Jesus stuff but after receiving the note, she decided not to have an abortion and felt that it would all work out. This is what I feel happened in this situation that led me to give her the note and the money: SOMEONE, maybe a grandmother, maybe baby's daddy was praying or had a praying Momma but there was some reason The Lord could plant this seed and save this life. When I plant a seed, it will not fall to the ground. It can't be stolen by the enemy. It must perform what it was set out to do. When she spent that $20, she was God's. The enemy is legalistic but God can be too. He had a legal right to move in the situation now. We've kept in touch sporadically. She still says that she is very much a buddhist but I know God has good plans for her and her daughter who is alive because someone who was afraid of looking like an idiot, didn't have any clue what God was doing but stepped out and obeyed God anyway. After my two abortions, I should be the LAST person that God would use to intervene and save a life but that is the power of redemption. He gives me beauty for ashes. What the enemy meant for harm in my life, God uses for good.
As I said, I normally do not give money directly because it sets up a powerful and powerless situation along with a dependency on me as the source. This encourages a poverty mentality and a "have" and "have not" situation when God loves us and is the only answer we need. We are all in need in different ways. Money isn't the answer. God is. If I give money, then they could perceive that coming from a person and not God. Usually when I have given money, I make sure and say that I felt God said to give it and I feel that it is in answer to a prayer for them. Most often, if someone needs money, I pray with them for God to meet their needs and that sets them up for a miracle from God and a relationship. I've seen it happen.
I was at Mi Chulas again. They must love Jesus there because I sense the presence of The Lord there and have a lot of divine appointments there along with a lot of chips, salsa and tortilla soup. I get the cheese cut off of everything so I can eat more chips ;) I asked a young girl how her day was going. She said that it was stressful. She had been put in jail over the weekend because she didn't pay a speeding ticket which caused her to be late on her rent and she didn't know what she was going to do. I asked if I could pray for her. I saw her again a few weeks later and she said that the next day after our prayer, a woman who owned a maternity store had come in and out of the blue asked her if she needed a part time job. It would have been so easy to give her a little cash but now she had a steady source of income, she knew that God saw her predicament. He was woo-ing her with His love and promise of provision as His bride. My husband likes to quote the saying, "give a man a fish and he eats for the day. Teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Money isn't a bad thing to give. Again, we have to be asking the Holy Spirit in every situation. Prayer and faith that He hears is normally the answer for Him to make a way where there seems to be none.
My daughter had a job and was anticipating her first paycheck. She felt The Lord ask her to send an old friend $200. She was really excited about the shopping she could do but decided to send this friend a card along with the $200 cash. The friend responded that rent was due and there was no money. Even though this young lady was a christian, she had considered stealing. She had been praying and then miraculously Monica's card and money arrived at just the right time. How sweet is God? He knows what we need and when we need it. He didn't punish this person but answered her prayer. He loves us so so so much it's crazy for me to imagine. He is faithful! Always and forever faithful! Don't be afraid to ask Him for what you need.
I'm not sharing these things with you to toot my own horn. No, each time I do something like this I feel vulnerable and out of my element, but I do it anyway because His voice is the louder than my pride or fears. I know it's God and His power coupled with my obedience. He amazes me as I ask Him for confirmations and to see the fruit of these acts of obedience. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Fan the flames in your heart. We can dismantle the old bomb of evangelism and do the greater things that Jesus promised. Debunk the stereotypical evangelist. Be kind, gentle and not loud or weird. Remember lost sheep can be skittish but they know their shepherd's voice and they will hear Him in your loving words and kind deeds. Follow Jesus on this Holy Spirit adventure and you will see miracles.
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