Sunday, August 6, 2017

Old School Coffee

Captain: “Do you know how to make coffee?”

Setting up my galley to prepare for passengers, I look over my shoulder thinking he’s joking but his stern face told me he was, in fact, not. “Yes, I know how to make coffee.”

“Old school coffee.”

I stood there with a bland look on my face still trying to gauge the joke status: “What’s that?”

He kind of laughs and informs me that he will give me the instructions. WHAT A GUY! He went on to tell me with the meticulousness of a surgeon a step by step dissection of old school coffee prep:

“First, you warm the pot by brewing hot water only. Next, you brew the coffee with a bag in the brewer and the pot. Then you take club soda and hold it over the coffee one-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand.” He does this while opening a fake can of club soda and pretending to pour it in the coffee pot. No, I’m not making this up.

“Are you former military?” I ask with a smile.

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Just a guess. I do plan on making coffee…that sounds like a starbucks order though.”

“It’s not that difficult…” and he points to his cuff links (not making this up either) his cufflinks are B.S. and he says, “See this. I’m not in the mood for it today.” Now, he’s smiling and acting somewhat jovial but he is trying to make a point.

I respond back, “You know what that is exactly what I was thinking.” smile and I continue to set my galley set up.

My job is to serve passengers. Serving the cockpit = handing two bottled waters up front and serve meals if they are scheduled.

I stood there and asked God, “God, should I do “old school: coffee? I kind of feel like no matter what I do it won’t be “right”

“Do what you feel comfortable doing.” Alright then, I decided to run the hot water first as he mentioned even though we were in Tucson and even at 6 am it was probably a 100 degrees already but whatever. I then brewed coffee as I normally would and I laid out an extra coffee bag and club soda on the counter.

He comes back in and says, “Is the coffee ready?”
“Yes, I made coffee. It sounds like you are wanting something specific so I left your items out to make it the way you want it.”

He looks at his coffee bag and club soda and raises his voice and says, “You have to put the other bag in the coffee pot FIRST!” He feels the coffee pot. “Well, the pot is hot. At least you got that right.”

OH NO YOU DI-UH. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I feel my heart beat elevating and that whole fight or flight thing kicking in. I can either go toe to toe with this guy: raise my voice, get angry and then file a complaint. Any other flight attendant would have told him to get the #*&& out of her galley….OR, I can slink away or just take it. Was there another option though?

THIS IS A TEST and God has given me the answer:
The fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its various expressions.
This love is revealed through:
Joy that overflows,
Peace that subdues,
Patience that endures,
Kindness in action,
A life full of virtue,
Faith that prevails,
Gentleness of heart, and
Strength of spirit.
[Galatians 5:22-23] TPT
We can have PEACE in all situations even though it does not seem like it. Peace comes from within.
I’m way more on the fight/sassy side but God has been warning me of remaining in peace and not living in reaction mode. We give other people way too much power over our insides and then blame them when we lose it. I’d already had one incident and honestly I handled it outwardly well but internally I was HOT! I've been field in life in many areas by my own emotions rather than God's heart. God said very clearly right after that incident, “You cannot fight fire with fire without creating a bigger fire. Stand your ground. Remain in peace.” So I was kind of ready for this nonsense and this time I wanted to ace my test since I hadn’t nailed the first one.

So here I am. This captain being ridiculous and high maintenance trying to use his captainship as license and my flesh wants to tell him that. My indicator I was operating in the "flesh" at an injustice - I was losing my peace... but, God, I have access to operate in the fruits of the spirit. I have peace in you in all circumstances. This man does not have control of my emotions, you do. I do not receive his unrealistic expectations. So I said calmly without even a hint of sass, “You are welcome to remake it. There’s plenty of coffee.”

He huffs off angrily.

I asked God how I did and I felt His peace.

This time, my blood pressure didn’t rise to the boiling point where I had to control it, I didn’t respond with sassy or frustration, I didn’t tuck my tail or feel shame and take his treatment of me personally or paint a victim mentality picture to my husband. I felt Victorious. It was really his issue. And honestly, I don’t even think the guy was a bad guy. The enemy was using a wound in his life to try to throw me off but I stood firm. I was completely peaceful and as helpful as I felt comfortable being. I could see him as a little boy with a demanding and unpleasable father. He just didn’t know how kind God is. What a gentle Father he has in Heaven.

Some of you might say (like my husband did) “That guys a jerk or he needs to be put in his place… He can’t talk to you that way.” And you are right but I don’t have to control him or prove anything, I have to please my Father and I did.

My daughter didn’t know about this situation when she gave me a word. “I feel like God is saying that in a staring contest with the devil you win.”

I got it then. If the enemy can get me distracted. Acting in the flesh. With my eyes on him then I’m sunk. I’m out of peace. BUT if I choose to keep my focus fixed and unswerving on God and His love then the enemy can’t play games with my emotions. #UnshakableLove #AllEyezOnJesus Others don't define us- only God can do that!

I am not promoting leaving yourself in an abusive situation. NOT AT ALL! Get out! There's a lot to be said for standing up and speaking truth.

I believe many of us are in a season of testing. Remain in peace. Don’t take what the world throws at you inside your heart.
There are things in our life that aren’t working: the way we respond to our spouse, or feeling frustrated when things don’t go our way or aren’t perfect, or our attitude about work stinks (yep all those fit me but I’m sure you have your own). Try something new. Ask God how He wants you to adjust so you do what He would do.

Can you bridle your tongue when your heart is under pressure? That's how you show you are wise. An understanding heart keeps you cool, calm and collected no matter what you are facing." Proverbs 17:27
He’s maturing us. The tests show us what is in our heart and refine us until we come forth as gold. Until we look like Him.

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