Saturday, February 18, 2017

Oops Yelp Did It Again

Standing in line excitedly perusing the unique menu at one of my Yelp finds: Culprit Bakery, Omaha, NE #4.5stars #jackpot #onlyamileaway #willwalkforfood
The thought came to mind: look behind you
I felt God tapping me on the shoulder. A little timidly I looked over my shoulder. Adorable young woman. What God? Prayer? Do I make contact? #Godalwayshasapurpose
Sometimes it’s a struggle to know how to open up a dialogue on these little HS adventures without sounding like a weirdo zealot. What to say? I blurted out, YOU NEED JESUS! I have a WORD from the Almighty for you! 
I didn’t have a word for her. I had nothing but I was open to God leading and directing without knowing the answer. 
I put a little toe in the pool to test the waters, “Have you been here before? Do you have any recommendations?” 
That turned the page and led to a beautiful conversation of getting to know one another while we waited in a super long line. #thelinemovedlikemolasses  #Godordainedtime
Her name was Katie. She was so kind and helpful. A happy girl. I asked what brought her to Omaha and she shared her own adventures: She works on a jet, the 707, for the US Air Force.  #afellowflygirl She’d recently returned from her unit’s deployment to Japan and would be going back out. 
“Good for you, Katie!” 
She shared, “Yeah, I could never do the sorority thing in college. I’m just different. I’ve always worked really well alongside men. Some girls and guys are bad apples because they use the situation to their advantage. I do my job and they respect me.” 
I was a little surprised because she was kind of a tiny person and not the “military” type…more the kind of girl you might hire to babysit your child. #gentlespirit but I have no doubt she is also a bad ass when she needs to be to do her job. 
When I left I saw this little boy in the picture below wearing a perfect shirt to describe God's heart about what the world sees as "weak" or "insignificant" Katie was tiny but tough :)
I’m blown away at the delicate but equally as strong women God is divinely appointing to be valued, respected, honored in a “boys club” atmosphere. #represent #competent #riseup
In my opinion, it’s a door that’s been opened for us by God and the EMPOWERING MEN of our world who are listening to God. #respecteachother #honor #bettertogether #teamwork Women are AMAZING!
Katie was this kind of girl- a GOLDMINE of a treasure girl but such a rare kind. What an honor to find her. And to think I was just trying to find good food 
So then I got it. Why God brought me to Omaha, Nebraska. It was for Katie. I could be a sounding board for her to be encouraged by affirming her. I celebrated her. Woman to woman. 
“I’m so so proud of you, Katie. Keep going.”
She beamed.
I saw in her a future for women who didn’t fit into a traditional role but still needed to be supported and affirmed AS a woman. Surrounded by men, she need a mother’s heart to cheer her on while on the challenging and unique race she was already running so well. I hugged her as if she was assigned to me to "mom" that day. She allowed me to pray over her...Will you pray for Katie too. She is one of God's strong and one of a kind daughters. 
Want God adventures? Use YELP! haha jk
1. ASK Him
Ask God to create opportunities. It’s His nature to seek and save the lost and encourage His children.  #Lovewithoutfear #atmospherechangers#Godopportunities
2. Be aware
He is counting on your obedience. God is invested in your life and schedule. Recognize the work and strategy from Heaven behind the scenes. God was making some MOVES to get me on that trip and Katie's butt out of bed for us to be at that precise moment in Omaha, NE. He wants to touch people through YOU TODAY. With His love. With His heart. With the smile on your face. Your situation may not take you across the country but across the street to your neighbor or to the grocery store when you are buying diapers for your future world changing daughters. Your kindness. Your smile adds a sprinkle of His magic to a recipe for a hopeful day so share it. #thisisamission #Heaveniswatching
3. Be intentional. 
Imagine you have an assignment due at school or a presentation to make at work and it’s GO TIME. You have a package from heaven to deliver to every situation as well as a package to pick up for yourself from Him. 
——If your "performance" is not perfect will you allow the enemy to steal your joy and vow never to do it again?
------Are there hurdles? Resistance?
—— Will you show up or hide out in your prayer closet?  #justyouandmeGod#exceptwearesupposedtobeBRINGINGHISKINGDOM
------will you call in sick or shrink back in fear and allow all the work and preparation to be for naught or done by another? #noshow #failedmission#youtoldGodno #stubbornheart #trustandobey

Key: Show up. Do your thang under His guidance. Plant the seed. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OUTCOME. Leave the results up to God.

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