1 Jn 2:27 But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he LIVES within you, so you don't need anyone to TEACH you what is true. For the Spirit TEACHES you EVERYTHING you need to know, and what he teaches is true--it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.
If we are a follower of Jesus, we train with the Sensei of the Most High, the Holy Spirit.Simply having the Holy Spirit is like obtaining a degree in Psychology. We need our “Master’s Degree” of COURAGE to put it to use. We can’t unlock the door to the Holy Spirit without the key of courage.
Every day we have an opportunity to choose to SHOW UP, FOCUS, LISTEN and PRACTICE with the Holy Spirit. That takes courage, my friends. We usually don’t understand the “why’s” of following the Holy Spirit until AFTER we are obedient. The Holy Spirit IS NOT WEIRD but you will have to get out of your comfort zone. Some of us are "opting out" and being "no shows" for assignments from the Holy Spirit. It's like calling in sick every day for work. Except your boss loves you and will never fire you ;) If we don't obey, we remain on the team but we "bench" ourselves.
Every day we have an opportunity to choose to SHOW UP, FOCUS, LISTEN and PRACTICE with the Holy Spirit. That takes courage, my friends. We usually don’t understand the “why’s” of following the Holy Spirit until AFTER we are obedient. The Holy Spirit IS NOT WEIRD but you will have to get out of your comfort zone. Some of us are "opting out" and being "no shows" for assignments from the Holy Spirit. It's like calling in sick every day for work. Except your boss loves you and will never fire you ;) If we don't obey, we remain on the team but we "bench" ourselves.
Having the Holy Spirit but never obeying is like bowling with bumpers. #lame #boring. It’s training with Chuck Liddell (#totalbadass) for a cage match but never stepping foot in the octagon. Sometimes following the Holy Spirit requires feeling a tad bit ridiculous like when cage fighters wear those... um... not so flattering and less than fashionable shorts or for the girly girls, who can't relate to my above examples, it might be like wearing bright red lipstick for the first time...that takes courage too ;)
Fear resurrects the enemy and is courage's cryptonite. Take, for example the Friday the Thireenth series… in my opinion, completely overdone….Friday the Thirteenth I , II, III (okay, those makes sense) The Final Chapter (Thank you Jesus), A New Beginning (No You ARE DEAD, remember?), The New Blood (what does that even mean??) Jason Takes Manhattan (absolutely preposterous) We can rest assured that even though Jason still continued to show up on his favorite Friday, we don’t have to entertain him, and Jesus conquered the grave on Sunday! Your done buddy. You get two days to gloat and then you are put in the place you tried to put Jesus, THE GRAVE! End of story. No more sequels for you.
Remember, eyes on God so it’s not necessary to focus on the enemy but nor is it beneficial to always ignore his presence. We can be aware of evil but remain in peace like Jesus. Anyone who has watched Friday the Thirteenth knows it starts out all peaceful and serene…Some naive campers, with legs dangling off the pier, sit cluelessly by the water while Jason lurks in the deep waiting for darkness to grab those tanned legs. Sadly, these goobers are always the first to go :(
….Then there are the Fighters and Flighters (you know who you are ;)
Fighters (yep, this is me):
People who have the gift of discernment (able to pick up on the good and evil around us) know when something is coming. We don't back down from a fight and this can cause us to make a critical mistake. We can’t take our eyes off the enemy so we we rarely experience the power and protection of God. We live in machismo (look it up in the thing) and are always getting in a street fight with the enemy. Reminds me of the timeless song, "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting, Those kicks were fast as lightning, In fact, it was a little bit frightening, But they fought with expert timing.” (Lyrics by Carl Douglas) Unforunately, sometimes fear makes us FIGHT. We fight in our own strength and wonder why we always end up with black eyes, bloody noses and taking sucker punches to the gonads. I’ve learned to hold on to what is good and shun evil commanding, in Jesus name, His peace and His Kingdom to come wherever I go.
In the words of Christina Aquilera being buffeted by the enemy works for good in our life-it makes us a lot like Rocky Balboa: “makes me that much stronger, makes me work a little bit harder, thanks for making me a fighter.” #yoadrian We learn strategies and how to win against the enemy through the Holy Spirit. His blood is the weapon of warfare not our own. Worship are our death blows to the enemy.
For the Fighters: Exodus 14:14 says, "God will fight the battle for you. And you? You keep your mouths shut!” OH SO HARD FOR ME TO DO sometimes but I’m learning.
For the Fighters: Exodus 14:14 says, "God will fight the battle for you. And you? You keep your mouths shut!” OH SO HARD FOR ME TO DO sometimes but I’m learning.
Others with the gift of discernment try to hide from the enemy. These runners or hiders are traditionally found in the storage closet clutching a garden tool for protection. That darn devil hates God’s children and is a malevolent and much stronger foe than we can tackle by ourselves. Remember it’s not by might nor by power but by His SPIRIT. When we know how loved we are, how protected we are by God’s hand, we know that greater is He within me than he that is within the world. That’s the battle we face, remaining in peace and standing firm. The battle against the enemy has already been won, we need only to have the courage enforce it. We get all of Heaven’s army as our protection and we are hidden under the shadow of His wing IF we trust Him and remain in His peace.
For the Flighters...and this is another version of the SAME scripture above but a different version :) Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” #chill
Most of us have seen the enemy face to face and did a little potty in our pants. I think that’s normal as we are maturing in the Holy Spirit. Fear can be like a bad haircut that takes a while to grow out. It doesn't immediately go away. Little by little as you take courageous steps, you will grow. I had panic attacks for years at night. I would wake up heart racing and was terrified for NO LOGICAL REASON! I would avoid going to bed until I was exhausted or make bad choices to avoid being alone. It still happens to me when I’m feeling overwhelmed in life but I’m learning to trust that I’m safe and He is with me always. I would sleep with my bible under my pillow but that didn't make the fear go away. For some reason all the fear that I had grown up with had a hold on me. it wasn't going to go away until I BELIEVED that I was LOVED and PROTECTED. Merely quoting scriptures have no power against the enemy unless you believe them in your heart of hearts. His perfect love casts out my fear and I know that God is with me. Fight the good fight of faith against your fear.
I had a terrible car wreck on halloween a few years ago. Make no mistake our innocent dressing up like the enemy is a form of worship and it does give darkness a measure of power when we dabble in it. I’m not a weirdo about it or even fearful about halloween. I don’t stand on a box, with my microphone on the corner or my neighborhood forecasting doom, gloom and curses over the little kiddies dressed up like monsters hopped up on candy. I see the beauty behind the masks. Instead, I walk around my neighborhood asking for His peace and love to reign. I give out candy with nice little love notes on them from Jesus and I also pray over my property that anyone that steps foot on it will be engulfed in His LOVE and feel the presence of their Heavenly Father. When I focus too much on the enemy and his power, I get off track. We are not a reflection of evil and our eyes don’t belong there. We are a reflection of our Father and can trust His protection… We may stumble, but He will always catch us and He is training us to trust NO MATTER WHAT WE SEE. On the Sunday after Friday the Thirteenth, Jesus conquered the grave!
I had a terrible car wreck on halloween a few years ago. Make no mistake our innocent dressing up like the enemy is a form of worship and it does give darkness a measure of power when we dabble in it. I’m not a weirdo about it or even fearful about halloween. I don’t stand on a box, with my microphone on the corner or my neighborhood forecasting doom, gloom and curses over the little kiddies dressed up like monsters hopped up on candy. I see the beauty behind the masks. Instead, I walk around my neighborhood asking for His peace and love to reign. I give out candy with nice little love notes on them from Jesus and I also pray over my property that anyone that steps foot on it will be engulfed in His LOVE and feel the presence of their Heavenly Father. When I focus too much on the enemy and his power, I get off track. We are not a reflection of evil and our eyes don’t belong there. We are a reflection of our Father and can trust His protection… We may stumble, but He will always catch us and He is training us to trust NO MATTER WHAT WE SEE. On the Sunday after Friday the Thirteenth, Jesus conquered the grave!
Acts 2:24 But God released 'Jesus' from the horrors of death and raised him back to life, for death could not keep him in its grip.
Colossians 2:15 In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.
1 Corinthians 15:55, 57 O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING? But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
With eternity in mind, the things I have faced have all been blips on the radar of my life. I got to love on the girl who plowed into my car, I got $2500 from the above lease vehicle (since when does anyone get money back on a lease vehicle?), I received healing for my head that was injured and I walked away from it. My son was supposed to be in the car with me in the very seat that took the hardest hit but, at the last minute, he stayed behind. I know we don’t always see the silver lining when we have something valuable that we love taken from us..It hurts. The pain may never completely go away like if we lose a child, or maybe we deal with longterm illness and see no healing in this life, what about the divorce that is finalized against our wishes with no reconciliation? I don’t have an answer of the why but I know that I’ve pushed all my chips into the middle of the table and I’m betting on Him.
(feeling convicted- that was a "little" lie ;) maybe I still have a few chips in my pocket… God knows what they are and still loves me. The Holy Spirit is working WITH me on these items and He has love and mercy for you ;)
Jesus is challenging you. He IS CHARGING YOU to get out there. Courage isn’t being loud, having big cajones or machismo (you probably looked that up by now). No, it simply requires risk, obedience and love. The courage guru in my mind would be Mother Theresa. She was surrounded with sick people... lepers with oozing sores. There was the potential for risk to her own health with a contagious disease (ok, im not that courageous yet). She was sweet, humble, kind, compassionate, selfless, cared about the rejected, lonely and unloved. She had a peace that transcended all understanding and she just helped the next person that God brought to her. She was faithful and she loved with no bounds. That’s courage.
(feeling convicted- that was a "little" lie ;) maybe I still have a few chips in my pocket… God knows what they are and still loves me. The Holy Spirit is working WITH me on these items and He has love and mercy for you ;)
Matthew 28:18-20 “Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this.”
Matthew 28:18-20 “Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this.”
Jesus is challenging you. He IS CHARGING YOU to get out there. Courage isn’t being loud, having big cajones or machismo (you probably looked that up by now). No, it simply requires risk, obedience and love. The courage guru in my mind would be Mother Theresa. She was surrounded with sick people... lepers with oozing sores. There was the potential for risk to her own health with a contagious disease (ok, im not that courageous yet). She was sweet, humble, kind, compassionate, selfless, cared about the rejected, lonely and unloved. She had a peace that transcended all understanding and she just helped the next person that God brought to her. She was faithful and she loved with no bounds. That’s courage.
Wanna pray? Good, me too.
God, cast fear out with your perfect love. Show us your love everywhere we go. If you are with us, then we can conquer anything so give us signs of your presence. We hear and follow your voice. The voice of a stranger we will NEVER follow. Hide us under the shadow of your wing. We give you our fear and ask for Holy Spirit boldness and courage in Jesus name and by His power.
God, cast fear out with your perfect love. Show us your love everywhere we go. If you are with us, then we can conquer anything so give us signs of your presence. We hear and follow your voice. The voice of a stranger we will NEVER follow. Hide us under the shadow of your wing. We give you our fear and ask for Holy Spirit boldness and courage in Jesus name and by His power.