I was on a vacay with my 20 year old son and his friend, Joey. I told them, “I don’t wanna slow you two young ‘uns down.” I did pretty great at keeping up with them considering. I could go rest in the shade while they surfed and snorkeled but then we did a bike ride. They toot tooted off ahead and I brought up the rear. #ringring I huffed and I puffed and then I slowed down. way down.
I could still see their churning legs far far down the road. I cranked my pedals harder to try to catch up…Something MUST BE wrong with the bike…It was obviously broken ![](https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f57/1/16/1f609.png)
They finally figured out they’d lost their caboose and came back to fetch me a few minutes later finding me with back of hand on the forehead, “You left me! I might have perished!” JK I said, “Guys, First, we must get some iced tea then we’ve gotta get a plan here so momma doesn’t get left in the dust.”
We decided to put Tanner in front. Me in the middle and Joey behind me. That way the slowest/weaker member didn't get left behind. It worked really well until Joey’s chain fell off and I didn’t look back either thinking that I was the one who needed watching over.
I’m by no means a PHD but below are 5 things the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me personally about leadership of late:
1. LEAD FROM THE BACK/Butt: This is an important lesson for leaders to learn.
Jono and I like to go hiking. He’s a better navigator but he lets me get out front too. Out front I deal with spider webs and snakes and he watches my 6 so I don’t get attacked or eaten by a bear. Cuz there's lots of those ‘round these parts. Haha Sometimes we switch because there's thorns and bushes and he whacks them away. The point is we do it together. No one is designated in a certain space. Leading can be from the front or the back. He's definitely an expert on the trails and I am an expert sight seer aka beauty finder and chronicler of our journeys ![](https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f57/1/16/1f609.png)
2. LET GO OF THE NEED TO LEAD: Recognize that we all have our gifts and strengths where we lead but when it's not our "gifting" we gotta LET GO and learn to listen and follow or we will find ourselves being very, very unhappy along with everyone around us.
Be an empowerer who doesn't have to be micromanaging and ruling with an iron fist. #controlfreak When it’s new terrain a leader needs to give the reigns to another who is familiar. My husband is amazingly logical at keeping details straight but I get the heart and vision behind all the "facts." We need each other to display our strengths. #NotAOneManShow #NoLoneRangers#teamworkmakesthedreamwork
LEADERS are less comfortable following or feeling “behind”:
——My own nature… As a flight attendant when, as a crew going from gate to gate, we walk through the airport together. Sometimes I’m in an unfamiliar airport and I don’t even know where I am going but I’m a “power walker” and think I can probably figure it out. I follow the signs and instructions and stay out front because I don't want to be left behind. sometimes I get everyone following me the WRONG WAY! When they've been there before so they can lead. Be a good leader AND a good follower
If we HAVE to be out front that can represent selfish ambition or fear of being forgotten. Only God knows what's in our hearts #beentheredonethat
LEADERS are less comfortable following or feeling “behind”:
——My own nature… As a flight attendant when, as a crew going from gate to gate, we walk through the airport together. Sometimes I’m in an unfamiliar airport and I don’t even know where I am going but I’m a “power walker” and think I can probably figure it out. I follow the signs and instructions and stay out front because I don't want to be left behind. sometimes I get everyone following me the WRONG WAY! When they've been there before so they can lead. Be a good leader AND a good follower
3. LEADERS ARE CHOSEN BY GOD AND NOT BY SELF: When I first started my Christian walk, I liked to lead. A baby Christian, I volunteered to lead a small group at Celebrate Recovery. I learned really quick that those out front get shot at… A LOT! And so I hid for a while from leadership. I don’t step out until God calls me out and then I know I am hidden under the shadow of His wing. #onAssignment
Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
4. LEADERS DO A LOOK BACK and responsible for all not just self. There’s a military term FI LO, first in, last out. Set your heart to be willing to do either at God's command. Another term used is "Leave No Man Behind." If we think we are too important to help someone left BEHIND then remember someone once wiped your own
when you were too weak to do it yourself and that one day you could possibly need that help again... Leaders are servants: here I am serving cokes and picking up people's trash on an airplane and NOT loving it so there's that.
It's a tendency of many strong leaders: capable, confident can forget that others are following or that we are servant leaders. we get so focused on the destination we don’t know how to carry others into the promise land or into the dream TOGETHER.
Pre-Jesus, in my partying days, I was a single momma and I would leave monica to babysit Tanner. I was a no-show as a leader. I see that in men and women who are focused on their careers or even pastoring. We forget the living breathing and MOST important gifts we are working so hard for-FAMILY. Leaving them in the dust.
Pre-Jesus, in my partying days, I was a single momma and I would leave monica to babysit Tanner. I was a no-show as a leader. I see that in men and women who are focused on their careers or even pastoring. We forget the living breathing and MOST important gifts we are working so hard for-FAMILY. Leaving them in the dust.
The hubs & I got into a big old *discussion* one day when I was following him in the car to a new place. “Follow me,” he called out as he tore out of the parking lot. First yellow light, he gunned it and I got stuck. He “forgot” he had a tail and he didn’t look back. (all this is written with his permission)
So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. Matthew 20:16
5. NO SHOW LEADERS Maybe you are simply NOT relating with this. You shun the front. Feels most comfy being at the back of the class. When God says, “Who shall I send? Who will go for me?” the answer is to slink down in our desk and hide and calling it humility. Being an armchair quarterback to our husband, business associates or other leaders but not stepping out where God is calling us for fear of failure or perfection issues BUT we have lots to correct or say to leaders. What if those you are to lead never get to their destination because you remained hidden or silent or only did the arm chair quarterback thing? #disobedience #rebellion #fear#passivity One day, we'll stand face-to-face with God and tell him why we chose to be a coward or to stay a victim rather than step up and step out so be bold, be brave, do what you are called to do.
There are people I know who do this really well Laura Therrien-always offering a helping hand with a pure heart. She's very capable of being the captain of a boat but she defers, she has great wisdom. Mary Jo: a prayer pastor mentoring so many in following JC by opening her home, teaching and baking challah bread. Those are two immediate names that come to mind and there are many others... walking, breathing testimonies in their servant hearted lives...and of course there is JESUSCHRIST
******************JESUS IS THE MODEL!!!!!!!!!!***********************
Eyes on Him. He leads, we follow.
Jesus led and others followed was a definite theme in His life. First, he learned it was important to follow His parents on earth and His Father in Heaven though. Jesus wasn’t always making sure he was a few steps in front. That was't His goal-for everyone to know He was running it. Nor was He a hoverer...He led, rested and connected with God too. Sometimes he stayed behind and let the others go ahead without him when He sent the 70 out with power and he sent his brothers on ahead of Him to Jerusalem before His crucifixion.
Eyes on Him. He leads, we follow.
Jesus led and others followed was a definite theme in His life. First, he learned it was important to follow His parents on earth and His Father in Heaven though. Jesus wasn’t always making sure he was a few steps in front. That was't His goal-for everyone to know He was running it. Nor was He a hoverer...He led, rested and connected with God too. Sometimes he stayed behind and let the others go ahead without him when He sent the 70 out with power and he sent his brothers on ahead of Him to Jerusalem before His crucifixion.
The point is- yes lead and lead well but it’s not always 2 steps ahead. It may be 2 steps behind your weakest link. Kind of like Joey, at the age of 20, he could kill it on the bike but he slowed down and took a back seat as a leader but for all his strength BUT he DID need help too because his bike chain fell off.
Feel like you have the gift of leadership or a strength in a specific area? Cuz we all do in some specific area: prayer, kindness, teaching, creativity, ideas person, hearing God's plans from Heaven, helping others, administration, etc. In leadership, right now, what I see (preaching to myself too): we have too many heads and not enough butts and bottom line is this is carnal leadership cuz leading is SERVING one another ![](https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f4c/1/16/1f642.png)
Excerpts from John 3 "The Father had given Jesus power over everything. Jesus knew this. (He wasn't insecure or trying to prove something) He also knew that he had come from God. And he knew that he was going back to God. So while they were eating, Jesus stood up and took off his robe. He got a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Then he poured water into a bowl and began to wash the followers’ feet. He dried their feet with the towel that was wrapped around his waist...When Jesus finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and went back to the table. He asked, “Do you understand what I did for you? You call me ‘Teacher.’ And you call me ‘Lord.’ And this is right, because that is what I am. I am your Lord and Teacher. But I washed your feet. So you also should wash each other’s feet. I did this as an example for you. So you should serve each other just as I served you. Believe me, servants are not greater than their master. Those who are sent to do something are not greater than the one who sent them. If you know these things, great blessings will be yours if you do them."