Friday, March 31, 2017

Justice Button

Wearing a hat today I designed #JusticeButton I felt that button kick in as I sat in my car in front of a bakery. The bakery is situated right next door to a gym. A “gentleman” was sitting outside at one of the bakery’s tables as women streamed out of the gym with their backs to him. He followed each woman with his eyes as she exited in her yoga pants/workout gear with his wife's big old purse sitting on the table. His wife walked up. She was beautiful. Like cutesie adorable with her own ballcap on. I was pretty disgusted. #justicebuttonactivated Dude! Your wife TRUSTS you to be faithful to her - even when you THINK no one is watching! I was pretty pissed actually. Then I remembered I had basically done that and worse in my pre-Jesus days. How could I be mad at This guy? Then I started being judge-ey towards myself and thought NO I AM FREE not by my own righteousness but thx to JC's!

God really hit something home with me and I GOT IT! FINALLY I got it. I know you probably already know this scripture, as did I, but do we actually WALK in it:


It’s not people who are trying to be jerks, ugly, hurtful, hateful: When that friend disses you. When the people who should call, dont call. When your husband hears something completely different in your words than what your heart meant? when you give love and someone responds with anger. when someone criticizes us unfairly and we know we are walking with God. When someone unfriends you for setting a healthy boundary. SO UNFAIR! When you feel sucked dry by certain people. When the ex doesn’t pay his child support. When we are rightfully up for a promotion and we are passed over probably because we have childbearing hips. When our skin color makes others suspicious of us. When leaders make hurtful decisions. When I am working my butt off but I have zero dollars in my bank account. We don’t war with flesh and blood. That means NOT EVEN OUR OWN.

So instead of sending some heavy girl daggers his way to stick in his eyeballs. I prayed. God bless him. Bless him with the "Fathers heart" and not a pervs...errr sorry, God, delete that..bless his marriage for your goodness and not his own. I pray this man would be set free from thinking women are a buffet but see himself more as a big brother or fatherly protector. That he would be faithful and true to his lovely wife. That he would have justice from the enemy to be a stand up guy with integrity and honor. That’s how we war NOT with flesh and blood. So when I wear this hat, it would remind me who needs justice. People. See them as a child of God and stick the daggers in the enemy.