Friday, January 29, 2016

Taken-the movie I NEVER want to see again

When i started my 3 day fast, I felt like I was inserted straight into one of the the Taken movies. 
God:  “Now listen to me carefully.  You're going to be taken. Yell everything you can about them.”  

HUNGER!  CONSTANT DISCOMFORT, HEADACHE!  I THREW UP!  I AM MAD AT EVERYONE.  I will throat punch anyone that crosses me. In fact, I want to ram this Girl Scout cookie car in front of me. SO TIRED I WOULD EAT MY BIBLE RIGHT NOW IF I COULD 
Sure, I'd fasted before...a one day fast here and there, cutting out sweets, doing raw foods, or 3 days with juice only.  The Daniel fast compared to a 3 day water only fast is like Arnold Schwarzenegger not on steroids… puny…but NEVER a 3 day NO food fast. I knew He was asking me to do this fast. He had confirmed it too many times and in too many ways for me to ignore Him. However, I was not prepared for what ensued. 

It started out pretty rough when I didn’t drink water for the first 27 hours...

Day 2 was HELL. Taken indeed.  I know that seems dramatic but read on.

On Day 2, I started running a fever with the chills.  I mean that is NOT normal for a fast but it was like He was detoxing me.  I begged him to release me early.  He wouldn't want me to suffer so. I felt from the beginning that even though I thought this was a sacrifice for Him, I knew He was healing me.  I was hostage to my hunger.  It was bad.  Real bad. I knew it when I found 3 almonds in the bottom of my purse covered with lint and looked at them longingly before I grudgingly threw them in the trash.   

I looked to His written words for answers (ways I could get out of the Fast Free Card). He showed me clearly: NOPE you are not to eat.  I mean there's not a whole lot in the Good Book about God calling someone to a fast and saying never mind, sweetie , it's too hard. 

In fact, heres the scripture He led me to…twice.  “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” Prov.24:10

Kind of rude to show me that one when I was puking my guts out but He was like a doctor giving me chemo. Yes, it would make me sick but it would kill the things that were holding me and my family back. He’s changing something in me.  My DNA is reflecting His image and removing toxins. And it wasn't just about me. My son had been sick and my best friend had a recent diagnosis. I was praying for many areas of breakthrough. 

I knew all this but I was still MISERABLE!  I started trying to make deals, God, I'll give my left arm for a saltine cracker right now. Just one single saltine cracker will give me the strength to continue on and faint not.   While I am whining  Liam Neeson, I mean God, is working to set me free from all that entangles me spiritually.  He can do this because A. He’s my Dad and B. I am praying.  I am crying out to Him. showing all of the spiritual realm that I want Him more than anything here on this earth.  He is moving heaven and earth to fill me with His goodness in that empty place called my stomach I have made available to Him. God told me to write down my requests and I asked for the deepest desires of my heart.  He is our living water and our bread of life. Anytime we suffer, there is a glory that comes to our lives that couldn't be achieved without it. 

In Taken, there are twists and turns before the rescue but the rescue will come. Our pain is not forever. Tune back in for Taken 2 if I ever decide to try this fasting stunt again.  Not even considering it at this current movie.  You know movies can be overdone.  Stop with the first one, am I right?  Sounds cliche-But I guess if God calls you to it, He will get you through it!