Friday, June 26, 2015

Geographically Challenged

I'm on an Austin layover.  Walking down the street, minding my own beeswax.  Looking at the map on my phone trying to find a well reviewed bakery on yelp.  Wishing I wasn’t so geographically challenged.  I35 is that direction.  No, it's that direction. Looking at the sun.  Rises in the east…sets in the west or is it the other way around?  I pass a young african american guy putting change in the parking meter.   
I heard, “God’s not done with him yet.”  
I kept walking.  Thanks for sharing, God.  
Tell him.
I don’t really know where I am right now and Juanita (Wanna-eat-a.  my alter personality that emerges when I'm hungry.  A real diva when she doesn’t get her morning feeding)

Juanita pressed me on and I kept trucking down the street to find my delicious and flaky croissant.  

Besides, it's not safe.  What if this dude’s a predator who will chop me up into tiny pieces… put me in the trunk of that car he's parking or what if he thinks I’m a homeless person who needs $ (I was looking pretty scraggily and as I said Juanita was looking for a snack;)   

I pass this beautiful and intimidating dog being walked by it’s owner.  God was showing me he had guard dogs to protect me.  I didn’t need to be afraid.  Out of real excuses.

God:  What if you are the only person who will give him this message? 

I shushed Juanita’s fussy ““But I’m hungry!” argument. I thought of all the work that would go into getting this young man to be here at this exact place at this precise moment where our paths would intersect. I looked back and the guy was still fiddling with the parking meter.   (I think God’s angels may have had a hand in a meter malfunction to stall him ;) The dog was off the leash now and standing right behind the guy.  

I stopped and said, “Okay, I’ll do it.”  I turned around and walked quickly back so I wouldn’t chicken out.

I startled the guy and he jumped. “Err…Excuse me…um… sorry.  Hi.  I was walking by and felt God wanted me to give you a message:  He said that He’s not done with you yet.  Your future days will be better than your former days.  Don’t give up. You can begin again today.  Try again.  It will be different now.”  

The guy smiled a huge smile and said, “God said that for me?”  

“Yep.  God bless you and have a great rest of your day.” 

“Thank you so much and God bless you.”

And it was done.  Message delivered. I don’t know why I delivered the message.  I really don’t and maybe the voice in my head is just that… a voice… but I believe it’s God voice.  If I’m wrong, I gave the young man hope, encouragement and brightened his day.   If I did hear from God then I brought a bright glorious light to the young man’s path and maybe he’s been geographically challenged on God’s path for his life.  My obedience could give him the directions he needs to get back on track. 

I wonder how many other people He puts on my path that need a word from Him?  I felt a little more dependent and open to His voice since I was in an unfamiliar territory and struggling with direction.  

Maybe He places people on our path that need to hear from Him more than we realize but we are too busy or distracted.  We are on auto pilot because of our comfort level. Be open to His gentle nudges today. Looking forward to hearing about your divine encounters.